What is the difference between a holding together and a coming together federation? Give one example of each.


Answer by student

  • A holding-together federation is one where a large country decides to divide its power between the central and regional governments. An example of a holding-together federation is India.


  • A coming-together federation is one where several independent states agree to join together and form a bigger unit, where they retain their identity. An example of a coming-together federation is the USA.

Detailed Answer by Teachoo


  • Federalism is a system of government where power is shared between two or more levels of government. It is a way of accommodating diversity and ensuring unity in a country.
  • There are different types of federalism, depending on how the federation was formed and how the power is distributed. Two common types of federalism are:
    • Holding together federation : This is a type of federalism where a large country decides to divide its power between the central and regional governments. This is done to prevent the domination or secession of any region, and to maintain the integrity and identity of the nation. The central government usually has more power than the regional governments, but the regional governments have some autonomy in their own areas. An example of a holding together federation is India, where power is shared between the Union government and the state governments.

    • Coming together federation : This is a type of federalism where several independent states agree to join together and form a bigger unit, where they retain their identity. This is done to enhance their security, economy or influence, and to cooperate on common issues. The central government and the regional governments usually have equal power, and the regional governments can veto some decisions of the central government. An example of a coming together federation is the USA, where power is shared between the federal government and the state governments.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo