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Social Science Class 10

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Get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Past Year Questions (from CBSE Board Exams) for Social Science Class 10. After, Maths, Science and English, we at Teachoo, have started to teach Social Science as well.


Social Science for Class 10 contains these NCERT Books

  1. History – India and Contemporary World II
  2. Geography – Contemporary India II
  3. Political Science – Democratic Politics II
  4. Economics – Understanding Economic Development


At Teachoo, we provide you

  • Detailed Notes of all the chapters of Economics, Geography, Political Science and Economics
  • NCERT Solutions for questions at the end of the chapter
  • Past Year Questions - We have segregated questions into 1 Mark, 2 Mark, 4 Marks, MCQ, Case Based and  Assertion Reasoning

So, whatever you need to study for your Social Science Exams, we provide that to you... chapterwise!


Let's look at the chapters from the NCERT we will study for your CBSE Board Exams in March

History – India and Contemporary World II

  1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
  2. Nationalism in India
  3. The Making of a Global World
  4. The Age of Industrialisation
  5. Print Culture and the Modern World

Geography – Contemporary India II

  1. Resources and Development
  2. Forest and Wildlife Resources
  3. Water Resources
  4. Agriculture
  5. Minerals and Energy Resources
  6. Manufacturing Industries
  7. Lifelines of National Economy

Political Science – Democratic Politics II

  1. Power-sharing
  2. Federalism
  3. Democracy and Diversity
  4. Gender, Religion and Caste
  5. Popular Struggles and Movements
  6. Political Parties
  7. Outcomes of Democracy
  8. Challenges to Democracy

Economics – Understanding Economic Development

  1. Development
  2. Sectors of the Indian Economy
  3. Money and Credit
  4. Globalisation and the Indian Economy
  5. Consumer Rights


Now, you can either select a section or a chapter to start your learning journey with Teachoo. And don't forget, if you have any questions, you can ask us by joining the Teachoo Black tribe

Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - Social Science Class 10

Teachoo Sample Paper - Social Science Class 10 - Paper 1
Teachoo Sample Paper - Social Science Class 10 - Paper 2
Social Science CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper for 2024 Boards
Practice Questions CBSE - Social Science Class 10 (2023 Boards)
Social Science CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper for 2023 Boards
Social Science CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper for 2022 Boards [Term 2]


Chapter 1 Class 10 History - Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter 2 Class 10 History - Nationalism in India
Chapter 3 Class 10 History - The Making of a Global World
Chapter 4 Class 10 History - The Age of Industrialization
Chapter 5 Class 10 History - Print Culture and the Modern World


Chapter 1 Class 10 Geography - Resources and Development
Chapter 2 Class 10 Geography - Forest and Wildlife Resources
Chapter 3 Class 10 Geography - Water Resources
Chapter 4 Class 10 Geography - Agriculture
Chapter 5 Class 10 Geography - Minerals and Energy Resources
Chapter 6 Class 10 Geography - Manufacturing Industries
Chapter 7 Class 10 Geography - Lifelines of National Economy

Political Science

Chapter 1 Class 10 Political Science - Power Sharing
Chapter 2 Class 10 Political Science - Federalism
Chapter 3 Class 10 Political Science - Gender, Religion and Caste
Chapter 4 Class 10 Political Science - Political Parties
Chapter 5 Class 10 Political Science - Outcomes of Democracy


Chapter 1 Class 10 Economics - Development
Chapter 2 Class 10 Economics - Sectors of the Indian Economy
Chapter 3 Class 10 Economics - Money and Credit
Chapter 4 Class 10 Economics - Globalisation and the Indian Economy

What's in it?

Get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Past Year Questions (from CBSE Board Exams) for Social Science Class 10. After, Maths, Science and English, we at Teachoo, have started to teach Social Science as well.


Social Science for Class 10 contains these NCERT Books

  1. History – India and Contemporary World II
  2. Geography – Contemporary India II
  3. Political Science – Democratic Politics II
  4. Economics – Understanding Economic Development


At Teachoo, we provide you

  • Detailed Notes of all the chapters of Economics, Geography, Political Science and Economics
  • NCERT Solutions for questions at the end of the chapter
  • Past Year Questions - We have segregated questions into 1 Mark, 2 Mark, 4 Marks, MCQ, Case Based and  Assertion Reasoning

So, whatever you need to study for your Social Science Exams, we provide that to you... chapterwise!


Let's look at the chapters from the NCERT we will study for your CBSE Board Exams in March

History – India and Contemporary World II

  1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
  2. Nationalism in India
  3. The Making of a Global World
  4. The Age of Industrialisation
  5. Print Culture and the Modern World

Geography – Contemporary India II

  1. Resources and Development
  2. Forest and Wildlife Resources
  3. Water Resources
  4. Agriculture
  5. Minerals and Energy Resources
  6. Manufacturing Industries
  7. Lifelines of National Economy

Political Science – Democratic Politics II

  1. Power-sharing
  2. Federalism
  3. Democracy and Diversity
  4. Gender, Religion and Caste
  5. Popular Struggles and Movements
  6. Political Parties
  7. Outcomes of Democracy
  8. Challenges to Democracy

Economics – Understanding Economic Development

  1. Development
  2. Sectors of the Indian Economy
  3. Money and Credit
  4. Globalisation and the Indian Economy
  5. Consumer Rights


Now, you can either select a section or a chapter to start your learning journey with Teachoo. And don't forget, if you have any questions, you can ask us by joining the Teachoo Black tribe