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Class 10 - Science

Get NCERT Solutions and Notes for Class 10 Science - Physics, Chemistry and Biology. At Teachoo, we have solved all the NCERT Questions, Examples from inside the book, Questions from Inside the Book, and some very important Extra Questions.


The Extra questions are what we call... Teachoo questions


These Teachoo Questions have been made from

  • NCERT Exemplar
  • Past Year Papers
  • Sample Papers
  • From our experienced team


And, we also have MCQs - Multiple Choice Questions based on the new format by CBSE. These MCQs will be

  • MCQ Questions from NCERT Exemplar
  • MCQ Questions from Past Year Papers
  • Case Based Questions
  • Assertion Reasoning Questions


Let's look at the Chapters of Physics, Chemistry and Biology in Class 10 NCERT, and we will we study in them


The chapters are

  1. Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations - What is a chemical reaction, How do we know when a Chemical Reaction has taken place, Writing Chemical Equations, Balancing Chemical Equations, Writing symbols for Physical States in the equations, Different Types of Chemical Reactions - Combustion, Decomposition, Displacement, Double Displacement, Oxidation and Reduction Reaction, What is corrosion and rancidity
  2. Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts - What are Acid, Bases and Salts, How do we identify whether compound is acidic or basic (Litmus Test and pH test), Reaction of Acid and Bases with Metals, How do Metal Carbonates and Metal HydrogenCarbonates react with Acids, Reaction of Acids and Bases with each other, Reaction of Metallic Oxides with Acids, Reaction of Non-Metallic Oxides with Base, What happens to Acid or Base in Water Solution, pH Test, Importance of pH in everyday life, Some naturally occurring acids, What are salts, pH of Salts, Chemicals from Common Salt - Sodium Hydroxide, Bleaching Powder, Baking Soda, Washing Soda, Plaster of Paris
  3. Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals -  What are Metals and Non-Metals, Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals, Chemical Properties of Metals - Reaction of Metal when burning with Air, Reaction of Metal with Water, Reaction of Metal with Other Metal Salts, What is the Reactivity Series, Electronic Configuration of Elements, Properties of Ionic Compounds, How do Metals Occur - from Enrichment of Ore to Extracting Metals Low, Middle and Top in the Reactivity Series, Electrolytic Refining of Metals, What is Corrosion, How to prevent from Corrosion
  4. Chapter 4 Carbon and its Compounds - What is Carbon, Covalent Bond - Single, Double and Triple Bond, Making the Electron Dot Structure, Different Allotropes of Carbon - Diamond, Graphite, Buckminsterfullerene, Why does Carbon form a large number of Compounds?, Saturated and Unsaturated Carbon Compounds, Structure of Various Compounds of Carbon and Hydrogen, Homologous Series, Nomenclature of Carbon Compounds, What are isomers, Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds - Combustion, Oxidation, Addition Reaction, Substitution Reaction, Properties and Reaction of Ethanol, Properties and Reactions of Ethanoic Acid, How does soap and detergent clean
  5. Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements - Different Methods of Classification of Elements, like Dobereiner's Triads, Newlands Law of Octaves, Mendeleev's Periodic Table, Achievements and Limitations of Mendeleev's Classification, The Modern Periodic Table - Position of Elements, Trends in Modern Periodic Table (Valency, Atomic Size, Metallic and Non-metallic Properties
  6. Chapter 6 Life Processes - What are Life Processes, Nutrition - Autotrophic Nutrition, Heterotrophic Nutrition, How does Amoeba Obtain its Nutrition, Nutrition in Human Beings, What are Dental Caries, Respiration in Human Beings, Transportation in Human Beings - Heart, How does Blood travel, Platelets, Lymph, How does Transportation of  Food and Water occur in Plants, How do Human Beings and Plant Excrete, What is Dialysis
  7. Chapter 7 Control and Coordination - In the last chapter we talked about various Life Process. In this chapter, we will talk about how this Movement which we do is Controlled, Nervous System in Animals, Structure of Neuron, What happens in a Reflex Action, Human Brain - Its various parts and functions, What are Nervous tissues?, How does Coordination happen in Plants?, What are different hormones in humans, how is it secreted
  8. Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce? - Are Organsims exact copies of themselves? , Why Variation is Important, Modes of Reproduction in Single Oranisms - Binary Fission, Multiple Fission, Fragmentation, Regeneration, Budding, Vegetative Propagation, Spore Formation. Then we talk about Sexual Reproduction - Why Sexual Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Reproduction in Human Beings - Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive System, Reproductive Health, What happens if Egg is not Fertilized
  9. Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution - We talk about - Accumulation of Variation due to Reproduction, What are Inherited Traits, Rules for Inheritance of Traits (Mendel's Contributions), Sex Determination in Human Beings, What is Evolution, What are acquired and inherited traits, Who was Darwin, Speciation, Evolution and Classification, Tracing Evolutionary Relationships, What are Fossils, Evolution by stages, Why Evolution should not be equated with Progress, How did Humans evolve
  10. Chapter 10 Light - Reflection and Refraction - What is Light, Reflection of Light, Law of Reflection, Convex and Concave Mirrors, Image formed by Concave and Convex Mirrors, Drawing Ray Diagrams, Uses of Concave and Convex Mirrors, Sign Convention, Mirror Formula, Magnification Formula, What is Refraction, Refraction through a rectangular glass slab, What is Refractive Index, Different Spherical Lenses - Convex Lens and Concave Lens, Refraction by Spherical Lenses, Ray Diagram of Image Formation of Concave and Convex Lens, Lens Formula and Magnification, What is Power of a Lens 
  11. Chapter 11 Human Eye and Colourful World - Structure and Different Parts of the Human Eye, What is Power of Accommodation, Defects of Vision - Myopia, Hypermetropia, Presbyopia, Refraction of Light through a Prism, Dispersion of white light by a glass prism, What is Atmospheric Refraction, Why do stars twinkle?, Advance Sunrise and Delayed Sunset, Tyndall Effect, Why is sky of Blue color, Colour of the Sun at Sunrise and Sunset
  12. Chapter 12 Electricity - What are Electric Charges, What is Electric Current, Formula and SI Unit of Electric Current, What is an Electric Circuit, Circuit Diagram, Symbols in an Electric Circuit, Flow of current in an electric circuit, What is Electric Potential Difference - its formula and SI Unit, What is Ammeter, Voltmeter, What is Ohm's Law, Experiment to Verify Ohm's Law, Factors on which Resistance depends, What is Resistivity, Formula and SI of Resistance and Resistivity, Resistance in Series, Resistance in Parallel and their Advantages/Disadvantages, What is Electric Power, Formulas and SI unit of Electric Power, Commercial Unit of Electricity, What is the Heating Effect of Electric Current, Different Formulas of Heat and its SI Unit, Applications of Heating Effect
  13. Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current - Why does a Compass needle deflect when Electric Current is passed through it, What is magnetic Field and Magnetic Field Lines, Field Lines around a Bar Magnet, Magnetic Field due to Current Carrying Straight Conductor, Right Hand Thumb Rule (or Maxwell's Cockscrew Rule), Magnetic Field through a current carrying circular loop, Magnetic Field through a current carrying Solenoid, Force on a Current Carrying Conductor, Fleming's Left Hand Rule, What is an Electric Motor, How does it work, What is Electromagnetic Induction, What is a Galavanometer, What is AC and DC current, differences and advantages, What is an Electric Generator, its Principle and How does it work, Wires in Domestic Circuits, Earthing, Overloading and Short Circuit
  14. Chapter 14 Sources of Energy - What is Energy, What is a good source of Energy, What is a good Fuel, Conventional Sources of Energy - Fossil Fuels, Thermal Power Plants, Hydro Power Plants, Bio-Mass, Wind Energy, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy - Solar Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal Energy, GeoThermal Energy, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Fusion, What are Environmental Consequences of Different Sources of Energy, How long will Fossil Fuels last? 
  15. Chapter 15 Our Environment -  What is an Eco -System, Different Components of Eco-System, What are Trophic Levels, What is a food chain, Ozone Layer and its Depletion, Managing the Garbage we Produce, What are Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Substances, How they affect our Enviornment, 
  16. Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources - What do we mean by Sustainable Living?, What are 5 R's - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle, Why do we need to manage our Natural Resources?, Conservation of Forest and Wildlife, Management of Forests, Why is Water important?, Dams, What is Water Harvesting, Coal and Petroleum



When you open a chapter, you will find it divided into different parts, like

  • Concepts
  • NCERT Solutions
  • Questions from inside the book
  • Examples from Inside the NCERT
  • Teachoo Questions
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Case Based Questions
  • Assertion Reasoning Questions

When you click on any of this link, the first question will open. We have all the questions, but only the first open. To open the next one, click on the Next Button.

Or, to check all the questions of that topic, scroll down to the bottom... there you will find all the questions of that topic. 



Now, to answer the burning question ...

Why should you study from Teachoo (टीचू)?

At Teachoo, we provide the best notes and solutions.

They are

  • Easy to Understand
  • Explained with Images
  • Made in a short way
  • And the Extra Questions, they are the best preparation you will need to crack your Board Exams


Click on a Chapter Link below to get started

Chapter 1 Class 10 - Chemical Reactions and Equations Chapter 2 Class 10 - Acids, Bases and Salts Chapter 3 Class 10 - Metals and Non-Metals Chapter 4 Class 10 - Carbon and its Compounds Chapter 5 Class 10 - Periodic Classification of Elements Chapter 6 Class 10 - Life Processes Chapter 7 Class 10 - Control and Coordination Chapter 8 Class 10 - How do Organisms Reproduce? Chapter 9 Class 10 - Heredity and Evolution Chapter 10 Class 10 - Light - Reflection and Refraction Chapter 11 Class 10 - Human Eye and Colourful World Chapter 12 Class 10 - Electricity Chapter 13 Class 10 - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Chapter 14 Class 10 - Sources of Energy Chapter 15 Class 10 - Our Environment Chapter 16 Class 10 - Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - Science Class 10

Chapter 1 Class 10 - Chemical Reactions and Equations

Chapter 2 Class 10 - Acids, Bases and Salts

Chapter 3 Class 10 - Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 4 Class 10 - Carbon and its Compounds

Chapter 5 Class 10 - Periodic Classification of Elements

Chapter 6 Class 10 - Life Processes

Chapter 7 Class 10 - Control and Coordination

Chapter 8 Class 10 - How do Organisms Reproduce?

Chapter 9 Class 10 - Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 10 Class 10 - Light - Reflection and Refraction

Chapter 11 Class 10 - Human Eye and Colourful World

Chapter 12 Class 10 - Electricity

Chapter 13 Class 10 - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 14 Class 10 - Sources of Energy

Chapter 15 Class 10 - Our Environment

Chapter 16 Class 10 - Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - Science Class 10

What's in it?

Get NCERT Solutions and Notes for Class 10 Science - Physics, Chemistry and Biology. At Teachoo, we have solved all the NCERT Questions, Examples from inside the book, Questions from Inside the Book, and some very important Extra Questions.


The Extra questions are what we call... Teachoo questions


These Teachoo Questions have been made from

  • NCERT Exemplar
  • Past Year Papers
  • Sample Papers
  • From our experienced team


And, we also have MCQs - Multiple Choice Questions based on the new format by CBSE. These MCQs will be

  • MCQ Questions from NCERT Exemplar
  • MCQ Questions from Past Year Papers
  • Case Based Questions
  • Assertion Reasoning Questions


Let's look at the Chapters of Physics, Chemistry and Biology in Class 10 NCERT, and we will we study in them


The chapters are

  1. Chapter 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations - What is a chemical reaction, How do we know when a Chemical Reaction has taken place, Writing Chemical Equations, Balancing Chemical Equations, Writing symbols for Physical States in the equations, Different Types of Chemical Reactions - Combustion, Decomposition, Displacement, Double Displacement, Oxidation and Reduction Reaction, What is corrosion and rancidity
  2. Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts - What are Acid, Bases and Salts, How do we identify whether compound is acidic or basic (Litmus Test and pH test), Reaction of Acid and Bases with Metals, How do Metal Carbonates and Metal HydrogenCarbonates react with Acids, Reaction of Acids and Bases with each other, Reaction of Metallic Oxides with Acids, Reaction of Non-Metallic Oxides with Base, What happens to Acid or Base in Water Solution, pH Test, Importance of pH in everyday life, Some naturally occurring acids, What are salts, pH of Salts, Chemicals from Common Salt - Sodium Hydroxide, Bleaching Powder, Baking Soda, Washing Soda, Plaster of Paris
  3. Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals -  What are Metals and Non-Metals, Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals, Chemical Properties of Metals - Reaction of Metal when burning with Air, Reaction of Metal with Water, Reaction of Metal with Other Metal Salts, What is the Reactivity Series, Electronic Configuration of Elements, Properties of Ionic Compounds, How do Metals Occur - from Enrichment of Ore to Extracting Metals Low, Middle and Top in the Reactivity Series, Electrolytic Refining of Metals, What is Corrosion, How to prevent from Corrosion
  4. Chapter 4 Carbon and its Compounds - What is Carbon, Covalent Bond - Single, Double and Triple Bond, Making the Electron Dot Structure, Different Allotropes of Carbon - Diamond, Graphite, Buckminsterfullerene, Why does Carbon form a large number of Compounds?, Saturated and Unsaturated Carbon Compounds, Structure of Various Compounds of Carbon and Hydrogen, Homologous Series, Nomenclature of Carbon Compounds, What are isomers, Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds - Combustion, Oxidation, Addition Reaction, Substitution Reaction, Properties and Reaction of Ethanol, Properties and Reactions of Ethanoic Acid, How does soap and detergent clean
  5. Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements - Different Methods of Classification of Elements, like Dobereiner's Triads, Newlands Law of Octaves, Mendeleev's Periodic Table, Achievements and Limitations of Mendeleev's Classification, The Modern Periodic Table - Position of Elements, Trends in Modern Periodic Table (Valency, Atomic Size, Metallic and Non-metallic Properties
  6. Chapter 6 Life Processes - What are Life Processes, Nutrition - Autotrophic Nutrition, Heterotrophic Nutrition, How does Amoeba Obtain its Nutrition, Nutrition in Human Beings, What are Dental Caries, Respiration in Human Beings, Transportation in Human Beings - Heart, How does Blood travel, Platelets, Lymph, How does Transportation of  Food and Water occur in Plants, How do Human Beings and Plant Excrete, What is Dialysis
  7. Chapter 7 Control and Coordination - In the last chapter we talked about various Life Process. In this chapter, we will talk about how this Movement which we do is Controlled, Nervous System in Animals, Structure of Neuron, What happens in a Reflex Action, Human Brain - Its various parts and functions, What are Nervous tissues?, How does Coordination happen in Plants?, What are different hormones in humans, how is it secreted
  8. Chapter 8 How do Organisms Reproduce? - Are Organsims exact copies of themselves? , Why Variation is Important, Modes of Reproduction in Single Oranisms - Binary Fission, Multiple Fission, Fragmentation, Regeneration, Budding, Vegetative Propagation, Spore Formation. Then we talk about Sexual Reproduction - Why Sexual Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Reproduction in Human Beings - Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive System, Reproductive Health, What happens if Egg is not Fertilized
  9. Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution - We talk about - Accumulation of Variation due to Reproduction, What are Inherited Traits, Rules for Inheritance of Traits (Mendel's Contributions), Sex Determination in Human Beings, What is Evolution, What are acquired and inherited traits, Who was Darwin, Speciation, Evolution and Classification, Tracing Evolutionary Relationships, What are Fossils, Evolution by stages, Why Evolution should not be equated with Progress, How did Humans evolve
  10. Chapter 10 Light - Reflection and Refraction - What is Light, Reflection of Light, Law of Reflection, Convex and Concave Mirrors, Image formed by Concave and Convex Mirrors, Drawing Ray Diagrams, Uses of Concave and Convex Mirrors, Sign Convention, Mirror Formula, Magnification Formula, What is Refraction, Refraction through a rectangular glass slab, What is Refractive Index, Different Spherical Lenses - Convex Lens and Concave Lens, Refraction by Spherical Lenses, Ray Diagram of Image Formation of Concave and Convex Lens, Lens Formula and Magnification, What is Power of a Lens 
  11. Chapter 11 Human Eye and Colourful World - Structure and Different Parts of the Human Eye, What is Power of Accommodation, Defects of Vision - Myopia, Hypermetropia, Presbyopia, Refraction of Light through a Prism, Dispersion of white light by a glass prism, What is Atmospheric Refraction, Why do stars twinkle?, Advance Sunrise and Delayed Sunset, Tyndall Effect, Why is sky of Blue color, Colour of the Sun at Sunrise and Sunset
  12. Chapter 12 Electricity - What are Electric Charges, What is Electric Current, Formula and SI Unit of Electric Current, What is an Electric Circuit, Circuit Diagram, Symbols in an Electric Circuit, Flow of current in an electric circuit, What is Electric Potential Difference - its formula and SI Unit, What is Ammeter, Voltmeter, What is Ohm's Law, Experiment to Verify Ohm's Law, Factors on which Resistance depends, What is Resistivity, Formula and SI of Resistance and Resistivity, Resistance in Series, Resistance in Parallel and their Advantages/Disadvantages, What is Electric Power, Formulas and SI unit of Electric Power, Commercial Unit of Electricity, What is the Heating Effect of Electric Current, Different Formulas of Heat and its SI Unit, Applications of Heating Effect
  13. Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current - Why does a Compass needle deflect when Electric Current is passed through it, What is magnetic Field and Magnetic Field Lines, Field Lines around a Bar Magnet, Magnetic Field due to Current Carrying Straight Conductor, Right Hand Thumb Rule (or Maxwell's Cockscrew Rule), Magnetic Field through a current carrying circular loop, Magnetic Field through a current carrying Solenoid, Force on a Current Carrying Conductor, Fleming's Left Hand Rule, What is an Electric Motor, How does it work, What is Electromagnetic Induction, What is a Galavanometer, What is AC and DC current, differences and advantages, What is an Electric Generator, its Principle and How does it work, Wires in Domestic Circuits, Earthing, Overloading and Short Circuit
  14. Chapter 14 Sources of Energy - What is Energy, What is a good source of Energy, What is a good Fuel, Conventional Sources of Energy - Fossil Fuels, Thermal Power Plants, Hydro Power Plants, Bio-Mass, Wind Energy, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy - Solar Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal Energy, GeoThermal Energy, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Fusion, What are Environmental Consequences of Different Sources of Energy, How long will Fossil Fuels last? 
  15. Chapter 15 Our Environment -  What is an Eco -System, Different Components of Eco-System, What are Trophic Levels, What is a food chain, Ozone Layer and its Depletion, Managing the Garbage we Produce, What are Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Substances, How they affect our Enviornment, 
  16. Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources - What do we mean by Sustainable Living?, What are 5 R's - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle, Why do we need to manage our Natural Resources?, Conservation of Forest and Wildlife, Management of Forests, Why is Water important?, Dams, What is Water Harvesting, Coal and Petroleum



When you open a chapter, you will find it divided into different parts, like

  • Concepts
  • NCERT Solutions
  • Questions from inside the book
  • Examples from Inside the NCERT
  • Teachoo Questions
  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Case Based Questions
  • Assertion Reasoning Questions

When you click on any of this link, the first question will open. We have all the questions, but only the first open. To open the next one, click on the Next Button.

Or, to check all the questions of that topic, scroll down to the bottom... there you will find all the questions of that topic. 



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Why should you study from Teachoo (टीचू)?

At Teachoo, we provide the best notes and solutions.

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  • Easy to Understand
  • Explained with Images
  • Made in a short way
  • And the Extra Questions, they are the best preparation you will need to crack your Board Exams


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