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Get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Extra Questions, Numericals, Practice Problems of Chapter 13 Class 10 Science - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current.
Each question and concept is explained in detail with charts and images for your understanding.
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As well as provided Concept Notes and Teachoo Questions for your practice!
In this chapter, the topics covered are
Basics of Magnetism
What is a Bar Magnet?
Properties of Bar Magnets
What are Magnetic Field Lines, and its properties
What are the Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Magnetic Field Due to Straight Current Carrying Conductor
How to use the Right Hand Thumb Rule (or Maxwell's Corkscrew rule)
Magnetic field due to a Current through a Circular Loop
Magnetic field due to a Current in a Solenoid
Force due to Magnetic Field
Using Fleming's Left Hand Rule
Electric Motor - Diagram, Principle, Working
What is Electromagnetic Induction
How to use Fleming's Right Hand Rule
Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) - Definition and Examples
Electric Generator - Both AC and DC - and its working
Domestic Electric Circuit
Comparison of Fleming's Right Hand Rule , Fleming's Left Hand Rule, Maxwell's Right Hand Thumb Rule
What is the difference between Galvanometer, Ammeter and Voltmeter?
What is the difference between Natural and Artificial Magnets?
What is the difference between Temporary and Permanent Magnet?
What is the difference between Live, Neutral and Earth Wires?
What is the difference between AC and DC Generator?
Fuse Wire - What is it, How does it work?
Magnetism in Human Beings
What is the difference between Short Circuit and Overloading?
What is the difference between Electric Motor and Electric Generator?
In addition to all the above,
we have made PDF of 1 mark, 2+ Mark and Multiple Choice Questions... do check them out
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Get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Extra Questions, Numericals, Practice Problems of Chapter 13 Class 10 Science - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current.
Each question and concept is explained in detail with charts and images for your understanding.
We have solved
As well as provided Concept Notes and Teachoo Questions for your practice!
In this chapter, the topics covered are
Basics of Magnetism
What is a Bar Magnet?
Properties of Bar Magnets
What are Magnetic Field Lines, and its properties
What are the Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Magnetic Field Due to Straight Current Carrying Conductor
How to use the Right Hand Thumb Rule (or Maxwell's Corkscrew rule)
Magnetic field due to a Current through a Circular Loop
Magnetic field due to a Current in a Solenoid
Force due to Magnetic Field
Using Fleming's Left Hand Rule
Electric Motor - Diagram, Principle, Working
What is Electromagnetic Induction
How to use Fleming's Right Hand Rule
Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) - Definition and Examples
Electric Generator - Both AC and DC - and its working
Domestic Electric Circuit
Comparison of Fleming's Right Hand Rule , Fleming's Left Hand Rule, Maxwell's Right Hand Thumb Rule
What is the difference between Galvanometer, Ammeter and Voltmeter?
What is the difference between Natural and Artificial Magnets?
What is the difference between Temporary and Permanent Magnet?
What is the difference between Live, Neutral and Earth Wires?
What is the difference between AC and DC Generator?
Fuse Wire - What is it, How does it work?
Magnetism in Human Beings
What is the difference between Short Circuit and Overloading?
What is the difference between Electric Motor and Electric Generator?
In addition to all the above,
we have made PDF of 1 mark, 2+ Mark and Multiple Choice Questions... do check them out
Click on a link below to get started
Note: When you click on a link, the first question will open. To see the other questions, click on Next.
Or go to the bottom. At the bottom, we have a list with arrows.. it has links to all the Questions.