




It is an instrument used to detect the flow of current in the circuit.

It is an instrument used to show the amount of curren t in the circuit.

It is an instrument used to show the amount of potential difference across two points in the circuit.

It tells the direction of current in the circuit.

It doesn’t tell about the direction of current in the circuit.

It tells nothing about the current in the circuit.

It is connected in series in a circuit.

It is connected in series in a circuit.

It is connected in parallel in a circuit.

It has moderate resistance (10-100 ohms)

An ideal ammeter should have zero resistance, hence resistance of an ammeter is very small.

An ideal voltmeter should have infinite resistance, hence resistance of a voltmeter is very high.

Magnetic Field is required for Galvanometer to work

Ammeter can work with or without magnetic field

Voltmeter can work with or without magnetic field

It measures only direct current

It measures both direct and alternating current

It tells nothing about current in the circuit


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo