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Chapter 8 Class 10 - How do Organisms Reproduce?

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Chapter 8 of Class 10, How do organisms reproduce?, is going to teach you about the process of reproduction in plants and animals that is important for the survival of any organism as it is only through reproduction that species of various organisms will remain present on the face of the earth. 

We, at Teachoo, will provide you with all the necessary sources such as concepts, NCERT questions along with extra questions made by our experts which will help you in clarifying all the concepts easily. 

You will start by learning that there are 2 modes in which organisms reproduce and they are -

  • Asexual Reproduction - Used by organisms such as bacteria, fungi etc
  • Sexual Reproduction - Used by humans, animals and certain plants

Firstly, you will look at the way in which a bacteria known as “amoeba” reproduces.

Bacteria produce exactly similar copies of themselves.

Secondly, you will learn about various ways in which plants reproduce. Plants are capable of both sexual and asexual modes of reproduction.

Lastly, you will learn about the process of sexual reproduction in humans. DNA is the essence of human lives and humans cannot produce their copies. In this section, you will learn about the sexual organs of both males and females in detail.

You will end the chapter by understanding the importance of reproduction and the reason for which sexual health is important for human beings. You will also look at various ways in which sexual health can be maintained.


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What's in it?

Chapter 8 of Class 10, How do organisms reproduce?, is going to teach you about the process of reproduction in plants and animals that is important for the survival of any organism as it is only through reproduction that species of various organisms will remain present on the face of the earth. 

We, at Teachoo, will provide you with all the necessary sources such as concepts, NCERT questions along with extra questions made by our experts which will help you in clarifying all the concepts easily. 

You will start by learning that there are 2 modes in which organisms reproduce and they are -

  • Asexual Reproduction - Used by organisms such as bacteria, fungi etc
  • Sexual Reproduction - Used by humans, animals and certain plants

Firstly, you will look at the way in which a bacteria known as “amoeba” reproduces.

Bacteria produce exactly similar copies of themselves.

Secondly, you will learn about various ways in which plants reproduce. Plants are capable of both sexual and asexual modes of reproduction.

Lastly, you will learn about the process of sexual reproduction in humans. DNA is the essence of human lives and humans cannot produce their copies. In this section, you will learn about the sexual organs of both males and females in detail.

You will end the chapter by understanding the importance of reproduction and the reason for which sexual health is important for human beings. You will also look at various ways in which sexual health can be maintained.