Identify the correct option that describes the act given below.

i. The Act was passed by the Imperial Legislative Council.

ii. It gave power to the government to repress political activities.

iii. It empowered the government to detain political prisoners without trial


a. Rowlatt Act

b. Vernacular Press Act

c. Government of India Act

d. Inland Emigration Act


Answer by Student

The correct option is (a) Rowlatt Act .

Detailed Explanation by Teachoo


Let’s check all the options and see why they are correct or incorrect:

  • Option (a) Rowlatt Act - This was an act passed by the Imperial Legislative Council in 1919 that gave power to the government to repress political activities and detain political prisoners without trial. It was also known as the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act or the Black Act and was widely opposed by Indian nationalists and leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi. This is correct.
  • Option (b) Vernacular Press Act - This was an act passed in 1878 by Lord Lytton that gave the government the power to censor publications in Indian languages. It was repealed in 1881 by Lord Ripon and had nothing to do with political repression or detention. This is incorrect :❌
  • Option(c) Government of India Act - This was an act passed in 1935 by the British Parliament that provided for provincial autonomy and a federal structure of government in India. It also extended the franchise to a limited number of Indians and had nothing to do with political repression or detention. This is incorrect :❌
  • Option (d) Inland Emigration Act - This was an act passed in 1859 by Lord Canning that regulated the movement of Indian laborers within India, especially from Bengal to other provinces. It was aimed at preventing the spread of epidemics and ensuring the supply of labor for plantations and had nothing to do with political activities or prisoners. This is incorrect :❌

Thus, option (a) Rowlatt Act is correct

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.