Teachoo Sample Paper 1 - English Class 12

[Reading] Question 1 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (ii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (v)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vi) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Reading] Question 2 (i)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (v)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (B)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[invitation Writing] Question 4 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[invitation Writing] Question 4 (B)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - v Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - vi

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - v Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - vi left arrow to signify that you are on this page You are here

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - vi

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - vii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - v Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - vi

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - vii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - vi

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 10 (i)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iv) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (v)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 11 (i)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 12 (i)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 12 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 13 (i)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 13 (ii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.

Class- 12 english extract based questions (1).png

Observe how the words in the extract create a sense of tension and suspense. Give one example of such a word and explain its effect.

Answer as written by the student:

One example of a word that creates a sense of tension and suspense is tossed .

Step-by-step explanation of the answer:

To answer this question, we need to observe how the words in the extract create a sense of tension and suspense. 🧐

We can see that some words are used to describe the actions and emotions of the characters in a way that makes us feel anxious and curious about what will happen next. 📝

We can give one example of such a word and explain its effect. 🖊️

  • One example of such a word is tossed . It is used in the third sentence of the extract to describe how the instructor threw the author into the deep end from a height. 🚀
  • The effect of this word is to create a sense of tension and suspense because it implies that:
  • The action was sudden and forceful, leaving no time for reaction or resistance from the author. 😱
  • The action was careless and risky, showing no regard for safety or comfort from the instructor. 😨
  • The outcome was uncertain and unpredictable, making us wonder if the author will survive or drown in the water. 😰

Therefore, one example of a word that creates a sense of tension and suspense is tossed . This is how it shows its power and impact as a word choice. 🎉

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo