Read the following text.

Explain in about 40 words why the name “The New Delhi Summit” is considered appropriate.
Answer as written by the student:
The name “The New Delhi Summit” is considered appropriate because:
- It indicates the location of the summit, which is India’s capital city and a symbol of its democracy and diversity. 🏙️
- It reflects the importance of the summit, which is a high-level meeting of leaders from the G20 members and guests to discuss and decide on key global issues. 🌎
- It showcases India’s role as the host and the chair of the G20 for the year 2023, and its readiness to welcome and engage with the world. 🙏
Step-by-step explanation of the answer:
To answer this question, we need to read the passage carefully and look for the information that relates to why the New Delhi summit is considered as an appropriate title📖
- The passage mentions India’s initiatives in last paragraph, where it says: “The summit will also showcase India’s rich culture, heritage, diversity, and hospitality to the world. The summit will be an occasion for India to demonstrate its role as a responsible global actor and a force for good in the world. ” 📝
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