What is Bio Compost?

It is decayed organic matter which is used as manure

This manure is used to make soil fertile for agriculture


How is Compost Made?

Dead Plants and leaves are stored in Compost Bin

These are mixed with cow dung which is used as soil conditioner

Earthworms are used as they make the composting process faster


Why should Bio Compost be used instead of fertilizers?

Fertilizers cause soil pollution and water pollution

Ground water gets contaminated because of using fertilizers

They also reduce the fertility of soil in long run

Crops grown by using organic manure and biocomputing are free from chemicals and healthier as compared to fertilizers


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What is Bio Compost?

Why should it be used instead of fertilizers?

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How is Bio Compost Made Dead Plants and leaves are stored in Compost Bin These are mixed with cow dung which is used as soil conditioner Earthworms are used as they make the composting process faster Fertilizers vs Bio Compost They are manmade chemical substances which is used to increase fertility of soil They are decayed organic matter which is used to increase fertility of soil Problems Cause Water Pollution Ground water gets contaminated because of using fertilizers Causes Soil pollution They reduce the fertility of soil in long run Causes Health Issues Chemicals enter our food Causes damage to our body Advantages Doesn’t cause Pollution Ground water is not contaminated Doesn’t cause Soil Pollution Improves Texture of Soil Not Harmful to Health Food is free from chemicals and healthier

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo