What is Sustainable Development?
It means
Development which meets need of present generation
without compromising ability of future generation
to meet their own needs
(Definition by UNCEF - United Nation Conference on Environment and Development)
In easy language,
It means our economic development should not damage the environment so much that our future generations have to face environmental problems
For example
Our factories should not generate so much air pollution that it is difficult to survive for our future generations

Important Points of Sustainable Development
How can we achieve Sustainable Development?
1. Limiting the Human Population
Lesser the population, less will be burden on environment (Example less trees to be cut,less water is polluted,less garbage produced)
2. Technological Progress should be input efficient, not input consuming
(We should develop new technologies which use those inputs which are environment friendly and available in large amount
(Instead of generating electricity from coal, we can use solar power)
3. Rate of extraction of renewable resources should not be more than rate of regeneration
(Example - Tree is a renewable resource, if 1000 Trees are cut, more than 10000 should be planted in its place)
4. Controlling Pollution
(Air and water pollution should be controlled so that our future generation have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink)
For Non Renewable Resources, Rate of depletion should not exceed rate of creation of renewable substitutes
(Example - We are using coal and petroleum which are depleting fast,
In its place we should develop alternatives like wind energy, solar energy)
What is Brundtland Commission?
It is a suborganization of United Nations.
Its aim is to unite countries in pursuit of sustainable development
This commission emphasizes on following points
We should protect the interests of future generation
It is our moral responsibility to hand over planet in good order to future generation
They should have a quality of life no less than what we inherited
It furnished a report called 'Our Common Future'
As per this Report,
Sustainable development means meeting basic needs of all
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
NCERT Questions
Question 9
Outline the steps involved in attaining sustainable development in India.
View AnswerSteps to attain sustainable development in India:
1 Limiting the Human Population
Lesser the population, less will be burden on environment
Example - less trees to be cut, less water is polluted
2 Technological Progress should be input efficent, not input consuming
We should develop new technologies which use those inputs which are environment friendly and available in large amount
Instead of generating electicity from coal, we can use solar power
Rate of extraction of renewable resources should not be more than rate of regeneration
Example - Tree is a renewable resource, if 1000 Trees are cut, more than 10000 should be planted in its place
For Non Renewable Resources, Rate of depletion should not exceed rate of creation of renewable substitutes
Example - We are using coal and petroleum which are depleting fast,
In its place we should develop alternatives like wind energy, solar energy
3 Controlling Pollution
Air and water pollution should be controlled so that our future generation have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink
Question 17
What is sustainable development?
View AnswerIt means, Development which meets need of present generation without compromising ability of future generation to meet their own needs.
Question 18
Keeping in view your locality, describe any four strategies of sustainable development
View Answer1 Controlling Pollution
Air and water pollution should be controlled in the area so that we have fresh air to breath and pure water to drink
2 Recycling
The non-biodegradable waste should be recycled and used again so that environment is not harmed
3 Avoiding plastic bags
People of the locality should be made aware of the harmful effects of plastics and encouraged to shift to jute or paper bags
4 Use of renewable resources
The use of renewable resources like Solar energy should be promoted as it is inexhaustible and pollution free.
Question 19
Explain the relevance of intergenerational equity in the definition of sustainable development.
View AnswerIntergenerational equity means meeting the need of current generation withouy compromising ability of future generation to meet their needs
As per concept of Sustainable Development
We should protect the interests of future generation
It is our moral responsibility to hand over planet in good order to future generation
They should have a quality of life no less than what we inherited