What are Hydroelectric Power Plants?

These are power plants which generate electricity with the help of water

Water is allowed to fall on turbines which move generating electricity


What is Mini Hydel Plants?

These also generate electricity from flow of water on a small scale

These are developed in mountainous areas where there are lot of streams

Energy from streams is used to turn small turbines

These generate small amt of electricity which can be used electricity



Benefits of Mini Hydel Plants

1. They are environment friendly

(They do not burn coal to generate electricity and hence do not cause pollution)


2. No Need for Large Investments

They do not need large transmission towers and cables

Hence, they are budget friendly


3. Less Transmission Loss

Since electricity is to be used locally, there is less transmission loss from transmitting from power stations to homes




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What is Mini Hydel Plants?

State the benefits of Mini Hydel Plants.

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Mini Hydel Plants Meaning These are power plants which generate electricity with the help of water How it Functions Energy from streams is used to turn small turbines These generate small amt of electricity which can be used electricity Where Used In mountainous areas ( where there are lot of streams) Benefits Environment Friendly (No Pollution) No Need for Large Investments Less Transmission Loss

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo