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Free Practical Taxation, Efiling and Online Work Knowledge of different taxes like Goods and Services Tax (GST), TDS, Income Tax, Payroll, PF, ESI as Required in Accounts job Interviews
Easy notes,charts and examples of different taxes are provided for easy understanding
All taxes are regularly updated with recent changes and amendments
For every topic ,there are assignments which you can download and do yourselves starting from Basic to Advanced
This will help you update your knowledge and get good job offers and do well in Accounts job Interviews
After doing these assignments ,you can check the answers on Teachoo
Here,main focus is on following
You can also download our app to Save it offline from here
In case you face any problem or doubt, you can ask the teacher here
What's in it?
Free Practical Taxation, Efiling and Online Work Knowledge of different taxes like Goods and Services Tax (GST), TDS, Income Tax, Payroll, PF, ESI as Required in Accounts job Interviews
Easy notes,charts and examples of different taxes are provided for easy understanding
All taxes are regularly updated with recent changes and amendments
For every topic ,there are assignments which you can download and do yourselves starting from Basic to Advanced
This will help you update your knowledge and get good job offers and do well in Accounts job Interviews
After doing these assignments ,you can check the answers on Teachoo
Here,main focus is on following
You can also download our app to Save it offline from here
In case you face any problem or doubt, you can ask the teacher here