Computer Science - Class 12
Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - Computer Science Class 12


     DOAPP<"2006-04-30" AND CNAME LIKE "%NA";


Answer by student

The output of the SQL query is

Output of the SQL query SELECT CNAME, SPORTS FROM CLUB WHERE DOAPP2006-04-30 AND CNAME LIKE %NA - Teachoo.png

Detailed answer by teachoo

  • The given SQL query is a SELECT statement that retrieves data from the table CLUB .
  • The CNAME and SPORTS columns are specified in the SELECT clause, which means that only these two columns will be displayed in the result set.
  • The WHERE clause is used to filter the rows that match certain conditions. In this case, the conditions are:
    • DOAPP<“2006-04-30” , which means that the date of application (DOAPP) should be less than April 30, 2006. This condition will exclude the rows that have a later date of application.
    • CNAME LIKE “%NA” , which means that the club name (CNAME) should end with the letters ‘NA’. The LIKE operator is used to perform pattern matching using wildcards. The % symbol represents any sequence of characters. This condition will exclude the rows that do not have a club name ending with ‘NA’.
  • The AND operator is used to combine the two conditions, which means that both of them should be true for a row to be selected. This operator will narrow down the result set by eliminating the rows that do not satisfy both conditions.
  • The result of the query is a table with two columns ( CNAME and SPORTS ) and one row that matches the conditions. To find this row, we can look at the table and compare each row with the conditions. It is:
    • The row with CID=1256, CNAME=AMINA, AGE=36, GENDER=FEMALE, SPORTS=CHESS, PAY=1100, DOAPP=2003-08-15. This row satisfies both conditions, since DOAPP is less than 2006-04-30 and CNAME ends with ‘NA’. Therefore, this row is selected and its CNAME and SPORTS values are displayed in the result set.
  • The other rows do not satisfy both conditions, so they are not selected and not displayed in the result set.

So, the final output of the query is:

Output of the SQL query SELECT CNAME, SPORTS FROM CLUB WHERE DOAPP2006-04-30 AND CNAME LIKE %NA - Teachoo.png

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.