How is Participation of People in Employment measured?

It is measured with the help of Worker Population Ratio

Worker Populaiton Ratio Meaning Definition Formula.JPG



What is Meaning of Population?

Poulation means, total no of People who reside in a particular locality at a particular period of time


What is Labour Force?

All the people who are working, and though not working are seeking and are available for work, are deemed to be in labour force


What is Work Force?

The number of people who are actually employed at a particular time are known as work force


What is Worker Population Ratio?

It is number of workers working in a population

Worker Population = No of Workers/ Total Population


What does Worker Population Ratio Indicate?

It indicates the proportion of people actively contributing to production of good and service in the country

Higher the Ratio,

More the no of people are engaged in economic activities

and contributing to production of goods and services

Lower the Ratio,

it means very large no of people are not involved in economic activities

and are dependent upon others

What does Low or high Worker Population Ratio Indicate.JPG

What is Worker Population Ratio in India

Partculars Rural Areas Urban Areas Overall
Male 54.3 54.6 54.4
Female 24.8 14.7 21.9
Total 39.3 35.5 38.6

(Figures as in 2011-12)


Why is worker Population Ratio more in rural areas compared to Urban areas of india?

In Rural Areas

Worker population Ratio is 35 per 100

It means, Out of 100 people in villages , 35 can be classified as worker


In Urban areas

Worker Population is 33.9 per 100

It means, Out of 100 people in cities, around 34 can be classified as worker

Employment in Rural Areas-Primary Sectors Main Source of Employemnt.JPG

Employment in Urban Areas Tertiary ector Main Source of Employemnt.JPG

Why is Worker Population Ratio more males rather than females?

Gender Worker Population Ratio

  1. Male 52.10%
  2. Female 16.50%

Reason for Much Lower Worker Population for Women:

  1. India is a patriachial society (male dominated society)
    Males are supposed to work while women are discouraged to work
    They arexpected so stay at home and look after family

  2. Non Recognition of Work Done by Women
    Women work in households as well as in fields
    However, this is not considered as economic activity and hence such women cannot be called workers
    This leads to underestimation of women population

Comparison-Worker Population Ratio Male vs Female in India.JPG

Why Worker Population Ratio higher for Males compared to Females.JPG

Why is Worker population Ratio less for women in Urban areas compared to Rural areas

In Rural areas

There are more Opportunities for women to work from home

Women are involved in agricultural activities like Poultry, Cattle, farming etc

There are Joint families where grand parents are available to look after children

In urban areas

There is lot of competition for jobs and there are not much work from home opportunities

Also there are more nuclear families,

Grand parents are not present to look after children

Are women worker Population Underestimated in india?


Women work in households as well as in fields

However, this is not considered as economic activity and hence such women cannot be called workers

This leads to underestimation of women population


Worker Population Ratio in rural areas is Higher (35) than in urban areas (34) Explain why?

It is because

People in Rural areas have limited resources

There is lack of school, colleges where person can go and enhance their skills

Their financial condition is such that they have to discontinue studies and look for work

In urban Areas

People have all resources and money

They can stay at home and enhance their skills

They take time to find a job as compared to Rural areas


NCERT Questions

Question 2

Define worker-population ratio

View Answer

Question 8

Compared to urban women, more rural women are found working. Why?

View Answer

Question 12

The following table shows the population and worker population ratio for India in 1999-2000.

Can you estimate the workforce (urban and total) for India?

Table Question.jpg

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo