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For comparing countries, their income is considered to be one of the most important attributes. It is an economic indicator .

  1. National Income/ Total Income
  2. Per capita, Income/ Average Income

National Income 

Means the total income earned by the residents of a country during a particular year.

National Income or Total Income may not be a useful measure for comparing the development of various countries because-

  1. Since countries have different populations, comparing total income does not tell what an average person is likely to earn .
  2. It therefore can’t be used to judge precisely whether people in one country are better off than the others in a different country.
  3. It only focuses on the monetary aspect i.e. income and does not tell about the availability of education, medical facilities, quality of the environment , and other services that too influence the quality of life.

Per Capita Income

  • It is the average income of people of a country during a particular year. 
  • It is obtained by dividing the t otal income of a country by its population .

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Significance of Per Capita Income- Why is per capita income a better measure for comparing the development of various countries?

  1. Different countries have different populations. So, total/national income doesn’t tell what an average person is likely to earn. Therefore, the average income is more useful for making comparisons.
  2. Average Income determines t he amount of goods and services that citizens are able t o use . Hence, it can be used to j udge the general standard of living enjoyed by the average citizen.
  3. It is an important indicator for categorizing countries into- developed, developing and underdeveloped.
  4. Higher PCI means more availability of goods and services per head and a h igher standard of living enjoyed by the people.

Limitations of average income as a measure of development- Why is per capita not a reliable indicator of economic development ?

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  1. Hides disparities .
  2. Doesn’t tell how income is distributed among people. There may be a very large number of poor people in society but only a handful of very rich persons. Per capita income will not reflect these differences.
  3. Doesn’t tell about the education, medical facilities, quality of the environment , and other services that influence the quality of life.

A sound economy with higher national and per capita income can provide a better standard of living to the people , which is also referred to as National Development

World Bank Criterion of Country Classification

In World Development Reports, brought out by the World Bank, the following criterion is used in classifying countries-

  1. Countries with a per capita income of US$ 49,300 per annum and above in 2019, are called high-income or rich countries.
  • Rich countries are generally referred to as developed countries , with the exception of Middle Eastern countries and a few other small countries.
  1. Countries with per capita income of US$ 2500 or less are called l ow-income countries.
  • India is classified as a low-middle-income country since its per capita income in 2019 was only US$ 6700.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo