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Questions 1

I am a Proprietorship. I receive a taxi bill from RK Taxi Service (Partnership) of 4000+5% GST

Do I need to deposit GST?

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Questions 2

I am a Company. I receive a taxi bill from RK Taxi Service (Partnership) of 4000 + 5% GST

Do I need to deposit GST?

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Section 9(4) Reverse Charge on Passenger Transport (Taxi or Cab Charges) From 1 Oct 2019 Reverse Charge is applicable if Service Provider is a Non Co Service Receiver is Company Rate Charged is 5% Cab Charges 5% Taxi Operator (Non Co) Company located in India 12% Rate Charged Reverse Charged 5% 0% Normal Charge Reverse Charge Exempt Deposits GST Taxi Operator is Registered Unregistered Company 5% Reverse Charge Exempt Non Co (Proprietorship, Partnership) 5% Normal Charge 12% Normal Charge 12% Normal Charge Normal Charge Service Provided to

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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.