CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for 2024 Boards - English

[Reading] Question 1 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (v) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (viii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (ix)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Reading] Question 2 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (v)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vi) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (viii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Invitation - Writing] Question 4 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Invitation - Accepting] Question 4 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - vi

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (B) - i Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (A) - i Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 10 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (v) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 11 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (ii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (iii) left arrow to signify that you are on this page You are here

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 12 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 12 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 13 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 13 (B)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Answer the question in the context of the following lines from ‘The Enemy’. 

“Stupid Yumi,” she muttered fiercely. “Is this anything but a man? And a wounded helpless man!” In the conviction of her own superiority she bent impulsively and untied the knotted rugs that kept the white man covered. 

Explain the superiority Hana is convinced about.


Based on the given lines, Hana thinks she is better than Yumi, who is another person in the story. But we don't know why Hana thinks that. The text only says that Hana's feeling of being better makes her quickly untie the rugs that cover the hurt white man.

Step-by-step explanation by Teachoo:

  • First, we need to identify the main idea of the answer, which is that Hana seems to be convinced of her superiority over Yumi.👑
  • Next, we need to explain how the given lines support this idea. We can use words or phrases from the text, such as "she knew", "she was sure", and "she was right". These show that Hana is confident and certain of her own opinion.😎
  • Then, we need to mention what is missing from the answer, which is the reason why Hana feels superior to Yumi. We can use words such as "no information", "what specifically", and "why".🤔

Finally, we need to show how Hana's conviction of her own superiority leads her to impulsively untie the rugs covering the wounded white man . Impulsively means acting without thinking or planning.These show that Hana does something sudden and unexpected because of her feeling of superiority.😮

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo