CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for 2024 Boards - English

[Reading] Question 1 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (v) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (viii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (ix)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Reading] Question 2 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (v)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vi) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (viii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Invitation - Writing] Question 4 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Invitation - Accepting] Question 4 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (A) Important left arrow to signify that you are on this page You are here

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - vi

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (B) - i Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (A) - i Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 10 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (v) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 11 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (ii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (iii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 12 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 12 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 13 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 13 (B)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

You are Sohail Hassan of class XII-B. Write an article for your school magazine, sharing the importance of young adults , as volunteers in one’s local community , the need to do so and the benefits involved. Use the given cues along with your own ideas to compose this article.

CBSE English sample paper class-XII ques-06(a)- TEACHOO.png

Volunteering: A Rewarding Way to Serve the Community

By Sohail Hassan, Class XII-B

1️⃣ Have you ever wondered how you can make a positive impact in your local community? Do you want to develop new skills and interests , or gain valuable experience for your future career? If so, then volunteering might be the perfect option for you.  Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, create a sense of belonging, and grow as a person.

2️⃣ Volunteering can make a difference in the lives of those around you. Whether it is helping out at a local school, hospital, or NGO, or participating in a social or environmental project, you can contribute to the well-being and development of your community. You can also create a network of friends and contacts who share your passion and vision.  Volunteering can strengthen social bonds and foster a culture of cooperation and compassion .

3️⃣ Volunteering can also help you discover new skills and interests, or enhance your existing ones. You can gain practical knowledge in various fields such as event planning, communication, and leadership. These skills can be useful in your future job applications and interviews, as well as in your personal life.  Volunteering can also be a source of personal fulfillment and satisfaction, as you see the results of your hard work and dedication.

4️⃣ Volunteering can also provide opportunities for personal growth and self-reflection . You can gain a deeper understanding of your own values and beliefs , and challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. You can also learn more about the needs and challenges faced by others in your community, and develop empathy and respect for diversity.  Volunteering can broaden your perspective and enrich your worldview.

5️⃣ As you can see, volunteering has many benefits for both yourself and your community . It is a rewarding way to serve others, while also developing yourself. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised by how much you can gain from giving.

Step-by-Step explanation by Teachoo:

1️⃣ Introduction -  Volunteering in the local community -- a valuable experience for young adults --helps them develop new skills and interest s

2️⃣ First reason to volunteer- a great way to give back to the community --can make a positive difference in the lives of those around  

3️⃣ Second reason to volunteer create a sense of community and strengthen social bonds gain practical experience in a variety of areas such as event planning, communication, and leadership-- useful in future job applications and can also be personally fulfilling

4️⃣ Third reason for volunteering provides opportunities for personal growth and self-reflection --helps gain a deeper understanding of own values and beliefs --can also learn more about the needs and challenges faced by others in their community.

5️⃣ Conclusion - importance of volunteering


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo