CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for 2024 Boards - English

[Reading] Question 1 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (v) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (vii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (viii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 1 (ix)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Reading] Question 2 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (v)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vi) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (vii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 2 (viii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Notice Writing] Question 3 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Invitation - Writing] Question 4 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Invitation - Accepting] Question 4 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (A)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Letter Writing] Question 5 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Article Writing] Question 6 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (A) - vi

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 7 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iii left arrow to signify that you are on this page You are here

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 7 (B) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (A) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (A) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 8 (B) - i Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 8 (B) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (A) - i Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - ii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - iv

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (A) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature - Extract Question] Question 9 (B) - i

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - ii Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iii

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - iv Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - v

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 9 (B) - vi Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 10 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (ii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (iv)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (v) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 10 (vi)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 11 (i) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (ii) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 11 (iii)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 12 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 12 (B) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

[Literature] Question 13 (A) Important

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Question 13 (B)

down arrow in sibling posts in Teachoo

Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given.

CBSE English sample paper class-XII ques-07(b)- TEACHOO.png

Select the word that WILL NOT complete the sentence appropriately.

The description of the mother as "wan, pale / as a late winter's moon" creates a vivid image of ________ .

A. vulnerability

B. sensitivity

C. frailty

D. mortality 


So, the correct answer is (B) sensitivity

The description of the mother as "wan, pale / as a late winter's moon" creates a vivid image of sensitivity.


Step-by-step explanation by Teachoo:

  • The description of the mother as "wan, pale / as a late winter's moon" creates a vivid image of weakness, sickness, and old age. The mother is compared to a moon that is fading and losing its light.
  • The words vulnerability, frailty, and mortality are all related to this image of the mother. They all imply that the mother is susceptible to harm, injury, or death . They also imply that the mother is dependent on others for care and protection.
  • The word sensitivity, however, is not related to this image of the mother. Sensitivity means the quality of being easily affected by emotional or physical stimuli. It also implies that the person is aware of and responsive to the feelings of others. The mother is not shown to be easily affected or responsive in the extract. She is rather passive and silent.

Therefore, the word that will not complete the sentence appropriately is B. sensitivity .✅

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo