We know that there are 3 main sectors of Economy:

  1. Agriculture
  2. Industry
  3. Service


In Industrialized Nations, more industry and Service Sector contribute to growth of the nations

In less industrialized nation, share of Agriculture Sector is more



Comparison of Gross Value Added of India, China, Pakistan


Share of Agriculture Sector to GDP

It is lowest in China (7%) followed by India (16%) and Pakistan (24%)

It means China is much less dependent on Agriculture while India and Pakistan are more dependent


Share of Service Sector

It is high in all 3 Countries

India 54%

China 52%

Pakistan 57%



Share of Industrial Sector

Contribution of Industrial Sector is Highest in China at 41%

Share of India is only 30%

Pakistan is least industrialized of 3 nations at 19%


Distribution of Workforce

High Dependence on Agriculture

In India and Pakistan, still a large amt of people are dependent on Agriculture

In China, it is much less

(43% in India, 41% in Pakistan compared to 26% in China)



It is similar in all 3 Nations (India 25%, China 28%, Pakistan 24%)


Shift to Service Sector

In China, People first shifted from Agricultural Sector to Industry and then Service Sector

In India and Pakistan, there was gradual shift from Agricultural Sector to Service Sector



NCERT Questions

Question 9

Compare and contrast India and China’s sectoral contribution towards GVA/GDP.

What does it indicate?

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Other Books

Question 1

Compare the workforce distribution of India, China and Pakistan.

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Contribution to GVA of Different Sectors Agriculture India 16% (Agrarian economy) China 7% (low cultivable land) Pakistan 24% (Highly Agrarian) (Less Industrialized) 54% (High) (More Industrialized) 52% (High) (Less Industrialized) 57% (High) Service Sector is major player of development in All 3 sectors Contribution for Industry is much higher in China as it is more industrialized Contribution of Agriculture is very less for china as there is lack of fertile land for cultivation Agriculture Industry Services Distribution of Workforce in Different Sectors Agriculture Industry Services India 43% China 26% Pakistan 41% Large Share of Population still dependent on Agriculture in India and Pakistan China more industrialized so more people working in Manufacturing Sector Service Sector also providing jobs in all 3 countries Shift of Workforce from Agriculture to Other Sectors What happened in China? Agriculture Sector Industry Sector Service Sector People shifted from Agriculture to First Industry and then moved to Service Sector What happened in India and Pakistan? Agriculture Sector Service Sector People directly shifted from Agriculture to Service Sector

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo