Match the chemical substances given in Column (A) with their appropriate application given in Column (B) 

(A) A—(ii), B—(i), C—(iv), D—(iii)

(B) A—(iii), B—(ii), C—(iv), D—(i)

(C) A—(iii), B—(iv), C—(i), D—(ii)

(D) A—(ii), B—(iv), C—(i), D—(iii)



  • Bleaching Powder i.e. CaOCl 2 is used for decolorisation
  • Baking soda i.e. NaHCO 3 is an antacid (helps neutralize acidity in stomach)
  • Washing soda i.e. Na 2 CO 3 .10H 2 O is used in the preparation of glass
  • Sodium chloride i.e. NaCl is used in the production of Cl 2 and H 2 by chlor alkali process

So, the correct answer is (c) A—(iii), B—(iv), C—(i), D—(ii)

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo