How is the ethnic composition of Belgium very  complex? Explain.


Points to Remember 

Ethnic Communities of Belgium - Teachoo.png

  1.   59 percent live in the Flemish region , and another 40 percent of people live in the Wallonia region.
  2. The rest is German-speaking .
  3. In Brussels , the majority speak French while the remaining 20 percent are Dutch speaking.

Answer to be written in the exam

The ethnic composition of Belgium is quite complex:

  1.  Of the country’s total population, 59 percent live in the Flemish region and speak the Dutch language . Another 40 percent of people live in the Wallonia region and speak French .
  2. The remaining 1 percent of the Belgians speak German.
  3. Brussels presented a unique problem: the Dutch-speaking people constituted a majority in the country, but a minority in the capital because-   in Brussels, 80 percent of people speak French while 20 percent are Dutch-speaking.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo