We know that in Budget we have Receipts and Expenditure


If Receipts are equal to Expenditure, it is Balanced Budget


If Receipts are More than Expenditure, it is Surplus Budget


If Receipts are less than expenditure, it is a Deficit Budget


Hence, we can say that Budget is of 3 types:

1. Balanced Budget

2. Surplus Budget

3. Deficit Budget

Different Types of Budget - Teachoo.JPG

What is Balanced Budget - Teachoo.JPG

What is Surplus Budget - Teachoo.JPG

What is Deficit Budget - Teachoo.JPG

NCERT Questions

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Question 1

In the following questions, select the correct answers:

If estimated government receipts are more than government expenditure, it is said to be a:

  1. Surplus Budget
  2. Deficit Budget
  3. Balanced Budget
  4. None of these
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Oswaal Questions

Question 1

Match the items in column A to those in column B and choose the correct option:

Column A  Column B  
1. Balanced Budget  (a) Total Anticipated  Expenditure = Total Anticipated Revenue.  
2. Surplus Budget  (b) Total Expenditure < Total Revenue  
3. Capital Budget  (c) Capital receipts + Capital expenditure 
4. Deficit Budget  (d) Total Expenditure = Total Revenue  
  1. 1 (a)
  2. 2 (b)
  3. 3 (c)
  4. 4 (d)
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Different Types of Budget Balanced Budget  RECEIPTS 1000 PAYMENTS 1000 SURPLUS 0 Surplus Budget  RECEIPTS 1000 PAYMENTS 800 SURPLUS 200 Deficit Budget  RECEIPTS 1000 PAYMENTS 1100 SURPLUS 0 DEFICIT 100 What is Balanced Budget RECEIPTS 1000 PAYMENTS 1000 SURPLUS 0 If Govt Receipts are equal to Govt Expenditure it is called Balanced Budget In this case., Govt spends exactly equal to Money it collects It is Rare Case What is Surplus Budget RECEIPTS 1000 PAYMENTS 800 SURPLUS 200 If Govt Receipts are more than Govt Expenditure it is called Surplus Budget Here, Govt spends less than Money it collects It is also Rare Case What is Deficit Budget RECEIPTS 1000 PAYMENTS 1100 SURPLUS 0 DEFICIT 100 If Govt Receipts are less than Govt Expenditure it is called Deficit Budget Here, Govt spends more than it collects It is most common case

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo