Example 1.

Calculate the value added by firm A and firm B.

Particulars  ₹ in crores 
(i) Domestic Sales by firm A  4,000
(ii) Exports by firm A  1,000
(iii) Purchase by firm A  200
(iv) Sales by firm B  2,940
(v) Purchase by firm B  1,300
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Example 11.

From the following data, calculate Net value added at factor cost.

Particulars  ₹ in Crores 
(i) Total Sales  1,000
(ii) Decrease in Stock  70
(iii) Production for Self Consumption  120
(iv) Purchase of raw materials  300
(v) Exports 150
(vi) Electricity Charges 50
(vii) Income Tax  20
(viii) Goods and Services Tax (GST)  70
(ix) Subsidy  40
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Example 13.

From the following data, calculate Net Domestic Product at factor cost.

Example 13 Question - Teachoo.png

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Example 14.

Firm A Sells to firm B for Rs 50 crores and for Rs 70 crores to providte consumption.

Firm B sells for Rs 80 crores to firm C .Firm C sells for Rs 100 Crores to provite comsumption.

Calculate value added by Firm A,Band C.

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Example 15.

Firm A buys from X inputs worth ₹ 500 crores and sells to firm B good worth

₹ 1,000 crores and to firm C goods worth ₹ 700 crores. Firm B buys from Y inputs goods worth ₹ 200

crores and sells to firm C goods worth ₹ 1,500 crores and finished goods worth ₹ 2,000 crores

to households. Firm C buys from Z inputs worth ₹ 150 crores and sells finished goods worth

₹ 4,150 croses to households. Calculate value added by firms A, B and C and GDP MP.

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Example 17.

In an economy, industry P sells output to Q. Q sells output to R for ₹ 600. Q's

value added is 1/2 of P's value added. Assuming P's value of inputs are 0, calculate how much

P sells to Q.

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Example 18.

Sales by Firm A are ₹ 80 crores and sales by firm Bare ₹ 300 crores. Value added

by B and C are equal. Value of output of C and D are ₹ 280 crores each. Value added by D

is ₹ 120 crores and GDP MP is ₹ 520 crores. Assuming A's value of inputs are zero, calculate:

(i) Value added by firm B and firm C; (ii) Value of Inputs of firm B; (iii) Value of Inputs of firm C.

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Example 19.

Firm A spent Rs 500 crores on non-factor inputs and sold goods worth Rs 600 crores

to firm B and ₹ 300 crores to firm C. Firm B whose value added is ₹ 1,000 crores sold half its

output to firm Cand half to firm D. Value added by firm C is 1/2 of value added of firm D. Firm

C and Firm D sold their entire output to households. Value of Output of firm Cis equal to firm

B's value of output. Calculate value of output of firm D.

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Example 25.

Calculate the Operating Surplus.

Particulars  ₹  in Crores 
(i) Sales  4,000
(ii) Compensation of employees  800
(iii) Intermediate consumption  600
(iv) Rent  400
(v) Interest  300
(vi) Net indirect taxes  500
(vii) Consumption of fixed capital  200
(viii) Mixed income  400
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Example 31.

Calculate National Income by Income and Expenditure method.

Particulars ₹  in crores 
(i) Final Consumption Expenditure   
Private Sector 350
Government Sector 100
(ii) Mixed income of self employed  35
(iii) Gross domestic fixed capital formation  70
(iv) Opening stock  15
(v) Compensation of employees  250
(vi) Closing stock  25
(vii) Imports  20
(viii) Rent  75
(ix) Consumption of fixed capital  10
(x) Net indirect taxes  25
(xi) Interest  25
(xii) Net factor income from abroad  -5
(xiii) Exports  10
(xiv) Profit  100
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Example 32.

Calculate National Income by Income and Expenditure method.

Particulars ₹  in crores 
(i) Compensation of employees  250
(ii) Imports  20
(iii) Mixed income of self employed  50
(iv) Gross fixed capital formation  120
(v) Private final consumption expenditure  550
(vi) Consumption of fixed capital  10
(vii) Net factor income from abroad  20
(viii) Indirect taxes  100
(ix) Change in stock  20
(x) Subsidies  20
(xi) Rent  100
(xii) Interest  200
(xiii) Profit  50
(xiv) Exports  10
(xv) Government final consumption expenditure  60
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Example 33.

From the following data, calculate National Income by (a) Income method and

(b) Expenditure method:

Particulars ₹ in crores 
(i) Private final consumption expenditure  2,000
(ii) Net capital formation  400
(iii) Change in stock  50
(iv) Compensation of employees  1,900
(v) Rent  200
(vi) Interest  150
(vii) Operating surplus  720
(viii) Net indirect tax  400
(ix) Employee ₹ ' contribution to social security schemes  100
(x) Net exports  20
(xi) Net factor income from abroad  (-) 20 
(xii) Government final consumption expenditure  600
(xiii) Consumption of fixed capital  100


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Example 34.

From the following data, calculate National Income by Income and Expenditure Methods:

Particulars ₹  in crores 
(i) Government final consumption expenditure  100
(ii) Subsidies  10
(iii) Rent  200
(iv) Wages and salaries  600
(v) Indirect taxes  60
(vi) Private final consumption expenditure  800
(vii) Gross domestic capital formation  120
(viii) Social security contribution by employer  55
(ix) Royalty  25
(x) Net factor income paid to abroad  30
(xi) Interest  20
(xii) Consumption of fixed capital  10
(xiii) Profit  130
(xiv) Net exports  70
(xv) Change in Stock  50


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo