Why the mixture of ethyne and air is not used for welding though air is easily available. Instead, a mixture of ethyne and oxygen is used for welding.



In the process of welding, ethyne undergoes combustion and the heat produced in the process is used to melt the metals and join them together . In order to ensure that sufficient heat is produced, it is necessary that complete combustion takes place. 

Combustion of Ethyne mixed with Oxygen - Teachoo.png

Since air is a mixture of gases in which nitrogen is the predominant gas , ethylene with air is not used for welding because enough oxygen will not be available to carry out combustion. 

Combustion of Ethyne mixed with Nitrogen - Teachoo.png

So, a mixture of oxygen and ethylene is used.


Why the mixture of ethyne and air is not used for welding though air is easily available. Instead, a mixture of ethyne and oxygen is used for welding. Answer In the process of welding, ethyne undergoes combustion and the heat produced in the process is used to melt the metals and join them together. In order to ensure that sufficient heat is produced, it is necessary that complete combustion takes place. Since air is a mixture of gases in which nitrogen is the predominant gas, ethylene with air is not used for welding because enough oxygen will not be available to carry out combustion. So, a mixture of oxygen and ethylene is used.

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo