Suhana wanted her house to be white washed. She  bought 10 kg of quicklime from the market and  dissolved it in 30 L of water. On adding lime to  water, she observed that the water started boiling  even when it was not being heated.  

water started boiling  even when it was not being heated - Teachoo.jpg

(a) Name the product when water is added to  quicklime.   

(i) Calcium oxide 

(ii) Calcium hydroxide  

(iii) Calcium dioxide 

(iv) Calcium carbonate  


When water is added to quick lime, slaked lime i.e. Calcium hydroxide is formed.

The reaction is as follows:

Reaction of Quick Lime with Water - Teachoo-01.jpg


So, the correct answer is (ii) Calcium hydroxide


(b) The common name for quick lime is:  

(i) Calcium hydroxide 

(ii) Calcium oxide  

(iii) Calcium dioxide 

(iv) Calcium carbonate  



The common name for quick lime is Calcium oxide  

So, the correct answer is (ii)


(c) The correct formula for calcium hydroxide is:  

(i) Ca(OH) 

(ii) Ca(OH 2 )  

(iii) Ca(OH) 2  

(iv) Ca 2 OH 2   



The correct formula for calcium hydroxide is Ca(OH) 2


So, the correct answer is (iii) 

(d) Which of the following statements is correct about  the above reaction based on your observations?  

(i) It is an endothermic reaction.  

(ii) It is an exothermic reaction  

(iii) The pH of the resulting solution will be more  than seven.  

(iv) The pH of the resulting solution will be less  than seven.  


  1. I and II 
  2. II and III  
  3. I and IV 
  4. III and IV  




  • Exo means out and thermic means heat. Exothermic reactions are the ones in which heat is released .
  • Endo means in and thermic means heat. Endothermic reactions are the ones in which heat is absorbed .



  • Heat is given out when quick lime reacts with water and,
  • Ca(OH) 2 is formed which is basic in nature, 
  • The reaction is exothermic and pH of resulting solution will be more than 7


So, the correct option is (II)



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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo