
Here are some examples of energy transformations taking place in our daily life

Electric Motors

This is used in different appliances like fans, refrigerators etc

Here Electrical energy is converted into Kinetic Energy

Electrical Energy → Kinetic  Energy


Electric Generator

It is used to generate electricity

Here, Mechanical Energy is converted into electrical energy

Mechanical Energy → Electrical Energy


Electric iron

It is used to iron clothes.

Here, electrical is converted into heat energy.

Electrical energy → Heat energy

Electric Bulb

It is used to produce light.

Here, electrical energy is converted into heat energy which is then converted into light energy.

Electrical energy → Heat energy → Light energy

Note : In case of a CFL , the electrical energy is directly converted into light energy and hence there is no wastage of energy. Therefore, CFLs are preferred.



It is used to listen to songs or news.

Here, electrical energy is converted into kinetic energy which is then converted into sound energy.

Electrical energy → Kinetic energy → Sound energy


Steam Engine

It is used to run trains.

Here, heat energy is converted into kinetic energy.

Heat energy → Kinetic energy


Car engine

It used used to run cars

Here, chemical energy is converted into heat energy which is then converted into kinetic energy.

Chemical energy → Heat energy → Kinetic energy



It is used in many electronics.

Here, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.

Chemical energy → Electrical energy


Gas Stove

It is used to cook food.

Here, chemical energy is converted into heat energy.

Chemical energy → Heat energy


Solar water heater

It is used to warm water.

Here, light energy is converted into heat energy.

Light energy → Heat energy


Solar cell

It is used to provide electricity.

Here, light energy is converted into electrical energy.

Light energy → Electrical energy



NCERT Question 3 - A battery lights a bulb. Describe the energy changes involved in the process.

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NCERT Question 7 - What are the various energy transformations that occur when you are riding a bicycle?

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NCERT Question 8 - Does the transfer of energy take place when you push a huge rock with all your might and fail to move it? Where is the energy you spend going?

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo