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Get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Answers to Questions inside the Chapters, Activities, Solved Examples of Chapter 11 Class 9 Work and Energy free at Teachoo. We provide you the best content to get great marks in Exams!
This chapter comes under Physics Class 9, and in addition to the concepts and questions we have
In Work and Energy, we will learn
What is Work?
Work Done Against Gravity
Work Done by Force Acting Obliquely (Indirectly)
Positive, Negative and Zero Work Done
Work done by Body moving in Circular Direction
What is Energy?
Different Types of Energy
What is Kinetic Energy
Derivation of Formula of Kinetic Energy
What is Potential Energy
What is Power?
Transformation of Energy
Examples of Energy Transformation in our everyday life (like Cells, Solar Heaters, Iron etc.)
Law of Conservation of Energy
Conservation of Energy in Simple Pendulum
What is the difference between Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy?
What is the Difference between Power and Energy?
Does force of friciton do positive, negative or zero work?
Since the chapter had less numericals, we have added some numericals in the concepts and in the Extra Question Section.
The numericals are
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Click on a link and open the first post. The other posts are in a list with arrows at the bottom
What's in it?
Get NCERT Solutions, Notes, Answers to Questions inside the Chapters, Activities, Solved Examples of Chapter 11 Class 9 Work and Energy free at Teachoo. We provide you the best content to get great marks in Exams!
This chapter comes under Physics Class 9, and in addition to the concepts and questions we have
In Work and Energy, we will learn
What is Work?
Work Done Against Gravity
Work Done by Force Acting Obliquely (Indirectly)
Positive, Negative and Zero Work Done
Work done by Body moving in Circular Direction
What is Energy?
Different Types of Energy
What is Kinetic Energy
Derivation of Formula of Kinetic Energy
What is Potential Energy
What is Power?
Transformation of Energy
Examples of Energy Transformation in our everyday life (like Cells, Solar Heaters, Iron etc.)
Law of Conservation of Energy
Conservation of Energy in Simple Pendulum
What is the difference between Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy?
What is the Difference between Power and Energy?
Does force of friciton do positive, negative or zero work?
Since the chapter had less numericals, we have added some numericals in the concepts and in the Extra Question Section.
The numericals are
Check out the chapter now!
Click on a link and open the first post. The other posts are in a list with arrows at the bottom