Suppose there are 2 cars

Car 1 and Car 2

Both Car cover a distance of 80 km


Car 1 Covers 40 km in first hour and 40 Km in second hour

Car 2 Covers 30 km in First Hour and 50 Km In Second Hour


It is said that

Car 1 is in Uniform Motion

Car 2 is in Non Uniform Motion


What is Uniform Motion?

A body is in uniform motion if it covers equal distance in equal intervals of time


Car 1 travelling at 40 km in both first and second hour


What is Non Uniform Motion?

A body is in non uniform motion if it covers unequal distance in equal intervals of time


Car 1 travelling at 30 km in first hour and 50 km in second hour


Non Uniform Motion is also called Accelerated Motion


Graph of Uniform Motion is Straight Line

Graph of Non - Uniform Motion is Curved Line


In Uniform Motion, Equal Distance is Traveled even over Small Distances


If a body travels at a uniform speed,it means it travels equal distance at equal intervals of time.

It does not matter how small these intervals of time are.


Suppose a train travels 120 kilometer in 1 Hour in uniform motion


It means ,it travels at a uniform speed

In 60 Minutes = 120 Km

In 1 Minutes = 120/60 = 2 Km

In 60 Seconds = 2000 m

I 1 Second = 2000/60 = 33.33 meter


Difference between uniform and non-uniform motion

Uniform Motion Non Uniform Motion
It has zero acceleration.
It has non-zero acceleration.
Distance-time graph shows a straight line
Distance-time graph shows a curved line
Covers equal distances in equal time interval.
Covers unequal distances in equal time interval.
Its average speed is same as speed of the object
Its average speed is different as speed of the object



Q 4 Page 102 - What does the path of an object look like when it is in uniform motion?

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo