What types of flora and fauna are found in tropical rain forests? Describe.



Points to be remembered:

Flora Fauna
Plants of a particular region Animals of a particular region

Answer to be written in the exam:

The term flora denotes plants of a particular region or period.

The species of animals are referred to as fauna. 

They provide us with food, clothing, shelter, raw materials, medicines, etc. 

They provide us with food, clothing, shelter, raw materials, medicines, etc. The daily food, which we eat, comes from animals. These include milk, cheese, butter, egg, chicken, meat, etc .

Economically important trees like ebony  mahogany, rosewood, rubber, cinchona are found  here.  

Elephants, monkeys, lemur, deer,  rhinoceros, plenty of birds, bats, sloths, scorpions  and snails are also found.


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Davneet Singh

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