• People were divided into numerous tribes (janas).

  • Each tribe settled in a particular area which consisted of many villages.

  • Each tribe had a king (rajan) or a chief , who was selected for his bravery.

  • These kings were not like the kings of later times. They did not have huge palaces or large armies. Their control was to a small area.

  • ‘There were two assemblies- the sabha and the samiti.

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  • The sabha was an assembly of probably the elders and important people.

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  • The samiti was a general assembly, probably gathering of members of every family of the jana.

  • Cattle and horses were very important to the people. In Rig Veda , there are many hymns asking gods to bless people with cattle and horses.

  • Each household had a number of cows. ‘

  • Dairy products such as butter and ghee were popular.

  • ‘Sura’ was a type of liquor which was drunk on common festive occasions.

  • Soma ’ was prepared from milk and the juice of a rare plant that grew on the mountains. People drank it during special religious ceremonies.

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  • Horses were important because they were yoked to chariots that were used in battle.

  • Most battles were fought for cattle, horses and land.

  • People performed sacrifices and made offering to different gods.

  • The priest who performed these rituals and sacrifices were given cows, horses, gold, and cloth as gifts.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.