Physical Education Class 12
Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - Physical Education Class 12
  • Physical Education CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for 2022 Boards [Term 2]

List down any two strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN.


Strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN

  1. Interest: Physical activities must be based on interest, ability and limitation of children with special needs to ensure maximum participation.
  2. Ability: The physical and mental state of children with special needs shall be considered.
  3. Medical Check-up : First, it is mandatory to have a medical check-up of all children with special needs. Because without that we cannot know about the disability the child is having.
  4. . Pre-experiences: Before deciding physical strategies, we shall know the children with their past experiences and convince them.
  5. Equipment: The equipment used should be according to capability and level of children. It may vary in size, shape, colour and weight.
  6. Specific Environment : A healthy and democratic environment shall be created so that CWSN can perform freely.

  7. Modified Rules : According to CWSN, the rules shall be diluted and modified according to their nature of disability.

  8. Easy to Difficult : The exercise shall be in progression from easily to difficult.

  9. Use of All Body Parts : Physical strategies shall involve. Whole body parts and ensure whole body movement.

  10. Extra Care of Concern : While deciding upon physical strategies for CWSN, extra care and concern shall be given like extra time, to avoid stress light music



List down any two strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN. Answer Strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN Interest: Physical activities must be based on interest, ability and limitation of children with special needs to ensure maximum participation. Ability: The physical and mental state of children with special needs shall be considered. Medical Check-up : First, it is mandatory to have a medical check-up of all children with special needs. Because without that we cannot know about the disability the child is having. .Pre-experiences: Before deciding physical strategies, we shall know the children with their past experiences and convince them. Equipment: The equipment used should be according to capability and level of children. It may vary in size, shape, colour and weight. Specific Environment : A healthy and democratic environment shall be created so that CWSN can perform freely. Modified Rules : According to CWSN, the rules shall be diluted and modified according to their nature of disability. Easy to Difficult : The exercise shall be in progression from easily to difficult. Use of All Body Parts : Physical strategies shall involve. Whole body parts and ensure whole body movement. Extra Care of Concern : While deciding upon physical strategies for CWSN, extra care and concern shall be given like extra time, to avoid stress light music CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEED (CWSN) Interest in Physical Activity Ability to special needs shall be considered Medical Check-up Different instructional strategies should be used Equipment related to Physical Activities Special environment should be provided Rules should be modified according to the needs of children with Disabilities

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.