Physical Education Class 12
Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - Physical Education Class 12
  • Physical Education CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for 2022 Boards [Term 2]

Mention any two symptoms and causes of ADHD.


Symptoms of ADHD in Children

  1. They could not perform daily life activities.
  2. They tend to forget routine work.
  3. They indulge in daydreaming.
  4. They do not like performing activities that require sitting still.
  5. They get easily distracted.
  6. They are weak in sports activities.
  7. They do not take rest and usually roam around.
  8. They could not have any control on their emotions.
  9. They lack concentration and work carelessly.

Symptoms in Adults

  1. They always remain worried.
  2. They remain impulsive.
  3. They have an inferiority complex.
  4. They are always disorganized.
  5. They easily get irritated.
  6. They find difficulty in remembering things.
  7. Mood swings and depression are common in such adults.
  8. They cannot control their anger.
  9. They have problems with concentration.

SYMPTOMS OF ADHD  - Teachoo.png

Causes of ADHD

  1. Heredity : If any parent is suffering from ADHD, there remains a high probability of occurrence of this disorder in their children.
  1. Pre-Nature Birth : If a child is delivered prematurely the nervous system is not fully developed which increases chances of occurrence of ADHD.
  1. Less Efficiency of Brain and Deformity : If there is deformity of brain shape that causes neural-imbalance which can cause ADHD.
  1. Less Birth Body Weight : If a child on birth has less body weight, ADHD, disorder remains a possibility.
  1. Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs : Consumption of alcohol and drugs always adversely affects our brain cells and nervous system.
  1. Exposure to Toxic Substance: Exposure to some toxic substance like lead can cause ADHD.
  1. Diet : Few researches have proved that a particular type of food substance plays a role in causing ADHD.

CAUSES OF ADHD  - Teachoo.png


Mention any two symptoms and causes of ADHD. Answer Symptoms of ADHD in Children They could not perform daily life activities. They tend to forget routine work. They indulge in daydreaming. They do not like performing activities that require sitting still. They get easily distracted. They are weak in sports activities. They do not take rest and usually roam around. They could not have any control on their emotions. They lack concentration and work carelessly. Symptoms in Adults They always remain worried. They remain impulsive. They have an inferiority complex. They are always disorganized. They easily get irritated. They find difficulty in remembering things. Mood swings and depression are common in such adults. They cannot control their anger. They have problems with concentration. SYMPTOMS OF ADHD Difficulty focusing Forgetfulness Always remain worried Easily distracted Easily get irritated Causes of ADHD Heredity : If any parent is suffering from ADHD, there remains a high probability of occurrence of this disorder in their children. Pre-Nature Birth : If a child is delivered prematurely the nervous system is not fully developed which increases chances of occurrence of ADHD. Less Efficiency of Brain and Deformity : If there is deformity of brain shape that causes neural-imbalance which can cause ADHD. Less Birth Body Weight : If a child on birth has less body weight, ADHD, disorder remains a possibility. Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs : Consumption of alcohol and drugs always adversely affects our brain cells and nervous system. Exposure to Toxic Substance: Exposure to some toxic substance like lead can cause ADHD. Diet : Few researches have proved that a particular type of food substance plays a role in causing ADHD. CAUSES OF ADHD Heredity Brain injury Pre-mature Birth Smoking and drinking during pregnancy Environmental factor

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.