Physical Education Class 12
Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - Physical Education Class 12
  • Physical Education CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for 2022 Boards [Term 2]

What is Laceration and how can it be managed? 

LACERATION  - Teachoo.png


A laceration is an injury that results in an irregular break in the skin, more commonly referred to as a cut, but defined as a torn and ragged wound. Lacerations are caused when an object strikes the skin and causes a wound to open. Depending on a variety of characteristics (angle, force, depth, object), some lacerations can be more serious than others, reaching as far as deep tissue and leading to serious bleeding. The predominant symptoms of lacerations are mild to serious breaking of the epidermis, tears in the first layer of skin that can range from small slices to deep gashes. Depending on the depth of the laceration, there can be bleeding of different levels of severity. Mild lacerations may experience brief bleeding accompanied by mild pain. Deeper lacerations will experience greater bleeding and more intense pain.

Treatment of laceration (Treatment Steps)

  1. Stop bleeding at the earliest by compression or by pressing.
  2. Clean the surface of the affected part using water and soap.
  3. Cover the affected part with medicinal cotton bandage or apply band aid.
  4. Repeat dressing or padding over the wound. If bleeding continues then apply further pads or dressing.
  5. Apply ice/cold for compression.
  6. If injury is deep go for stitches at the earliest.


What is Laceration and how can it be managed? LACERATION Skin Fat Muscle Deep wound Answer A laceration is an injury that results in an irregular break in the skin, more commonly referred to as a cut, but defined as a torn and ragged wound. Lacerations are caused when an object strikes the skin and causes a wound to open. Depending on a variety of characteristics (angle, force, depth, object), some lacerations can be more serious than others, reaching as far as deep tissue and leading to serious bleeding. The predominant symptoms of lacerations are mild to serious breaking of the epidermis, tears in the first layer of skin that can range from small slices to deep gashes. Depending on the depth of the laceration, there can be bleeding of different levels of severity. Mild lacerations may experience brief bleeding accompanied by mild pain. Deeper lacerations will experience greater bleeding and more intense pain. Treatment of laceration (Treatment Steps) Stop bleeding at the earliest by compression or by pressing. Clean the surface of the affected part using water and soap. Cover the affected part with medicinal cotton bandage or apply band aid. Repeat dressing or padding over the wound. If bleeding continues then apply further pads or dressing. Apply ice/cold for compression. If injury is deep go for stitches at the earliest.

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.