

Positively charged ion is called Cation

Negatively charged ion is called anion

It is formed when atom loses electron (and hence become positively charged)

It is formed when atom gains electron and become positively charged

Example - Sodium Ion ( Na + )

Example - Chloride Ion ( Cl - )

Sodium (Na) has 11 protons and 11 electrons

Overall charge is 0

Chlorine (Cl) has 17 protons and 17 electrons

Overall charge is 0

When sodium loses 1 electron

It has 11 protons and 10 electrons

Positive charge > Negative charge

Thus becomes Cation (Na + )

When chlorine gains 1 electrons

It has 17 protons and 18 electrons

Negative charge > Positive charge

Thus becomes Anion (Cl - )

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo