Dam is a barrier which restricts the flow of river water.


Advantages of Dams

We construct dams because

  • Water from dams is used for irrigation. Dams make sure water is available for crops throughout the year.
  • Water from Dams is treated and distributed in nearby towns and cities for drinking purposes.
  • Dams are used to generate Electricity through Hydro Electric Power.
  • Dams prevent loss of life and property caused by flooding . It stores or diverts the water during floods
  • Dams provide recreation around the area. We can do boating, fishing, do picnics around the dam area.


Disadvantages of Dams

The main problems of large dams are

  • Social Problems - Large number of inhabitants of the area near the dam are displaced without adequate compensation or rehabilitation
  • Economic Problems - Huge amount of money is required for construction of dams, and the adequate benefits are not received by the public
  • Environmental Problems - When making the dam, the Biological diversity near the dam is harmed. It also leads to huge amounts of deforestation
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo