Like terms have same variables

Unlike terms have different variables


Let’s look at some examples


2π‘₯, 3π‘₯

2π‘₯ & 3π‘₯ have the same variable π‘₯

So they are like terms


3π‘₯ 2 y, 2yπ‘₯ 2

3x 2 y has variable π‘₯ 2 y

2yx 2 has variable yπ‘₯ 2 i.e π‘₯ 2 y                      (As x 2 y = yπ‘₯ 2 )

So, they are like terms


−4π‘₯y, 3xy

−4π‘₯y has variable π‘₯y

   3π‘₯y has variable π‘₯y

−4xy and 3xy have same variable xy.

So, they are like terms.


4π‘₯y, 3π‘₯

4π‘₯y has variable π‘₯y

3π‘₯ has variable π‘₯

4π‘₯y, 3π‘₯ have different variables.

So, they are unlike terms.


21z, 39z

21z  has variable z

39z has Variable z

21z and 39z has same variable z

So, they are like terms.


8, 9

Since both 8 & 9 do not have a variable

∴ They are like terms


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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo