Means of Communication 

  • Communication is defined as interchange of information, thoughts or ideas between two or more people.
  • In today's time  Long distance communication is far easier without the physical movement of the communicator or receiver.
  • Personal communication and mass communication including television, radio, press, films, etc. are the major means of communication in the country.
  • The Indian postal network is the world's largest postal network .
  • It handles both packages and personal written letters.
  • Six mail channels were recentl y developed to assist in faster delivery of mail in large towns and cities. 
  • They are known as the Rajdhani Channel, the Metro Channel, the Green Channel, the Business Channel, the Bulk Mail Channel, and the Periodical Channel .
  • India has one of the largest telecom networks in Asia .
  • More than two-thirds of India's villages used  Subscriber Trunk Dialing (STD) telephone service.
  • Mass communication provides entertainment and creates awareness among people about various national programs and policies. 
  • Radio, television, newspapers, periodicals, novels, and films are all examples of mass media.
  • India Radio (Akashwani) broadcasts a wide range of programs. national, regional, and local programs languages for distinct groups of people spread across many sections of the country.
  • India is the world's largest producer of feature films.
  • In India , Newspapers are published about 100 languages and dialects .
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo