Ex 10.2, 1 - Construct XYZ in which XY = 4.5 cm, YZ = 5 cm and ZX = 6

Ex 10.2, 1 - Chapter 10 Class 7 Practical Geometry - Part 2
Ex 10.2, 1 - Chapter 10 Class 7 Practical Geometry - Part 3
Ex 10.2, 1 - Chapter 10 Class 7 Practical Geometry - Part 4
Ex 10.2, 1 - Chapter 10 Class 7 Practical Geometry - Part 5

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Question 1 Construct ∆XYZ in which XY = 4.5 cm, YZ = 5 cm and ZX = 6 cm. First we draw a rough sketch We follow these steps Steps of construction 1. Draw a line segment XY of length 4.5 cm 2. Taking 6 cm as radius, and X as center, draw an arc. 3. Taking 5 cm as radius, and Y as center, draw another arc. Let Z be the point where the two arcs intersect Join XZ and YZ and label the sides Thus, Δ XYZ is the required triangle

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo