Sometimes,in office we have some work from Different Departments

In this case,we should know which department to contact for which work



Suppose you went for some office tour and incurred some expenses

Now we want to claim it from company

Which Department should I ask

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Suppose you are facing some problem in your computer

What department to approach

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Which things to ask from Different Departments

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Suppose you are new in company

You wanted to get your visiting cards printed

You are not sure whom to contact

How will you ask your colleague?

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Chat User - Rishabh's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Following up

Hi Mira, have you received the email?

हाय मीरा, हेव यू रिसीवड द ईमैल? (हाय मीरा, क्या आपको ईमैल मिला है ?)

Chat User - Mira's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Following up

Yes, I have

येस आइ हेव (हाँ मेरे पास है)

Chat User - Rishabh's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Following up

So, when can I expect my business cards?

सो, व्हेन केन आइ एक्सपेक्ट माय बिज़नेस कार्ड्स ? (तो, मैं अपने व्यवसाय कार्ड की उम्मीद कर सकता हूं?)

Chat User - Mira's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Following up

I told you it takes around 3-4 days

आइ टोल्ड यू इट टेक्स अराउंड 3 - 4 डेज (मैंने आपको बताया कि इसे लगभग 3-4 दिन लगते हैं)

Chat User - Rishabh's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Following up

So today is Thursday. Can i expect it by Monday?

सो टुडे इस थर्सडे केन आइ एक्सपेक्ट आइटी बाय मंडे? (तो आज गुरुवार है क्या मैं इसे सोमवार तक की उम्मीद कर सकता हूं?)

Chat User - Mira's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Following up

No, I meant 3-4 working days, you will get it by Wednesday

नो, आइ मेंट 3 - 4 वर्किंग डेज यू विल गेट इट बाय वेडनसडे (नहीं, मेरा मतलब 3-4 कार्य के दिनों में, आप इसे बुधवार तक प्राप्त करेंगे)

Chat User - Rishabh's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Following up

Okay, thanks a lot

ओके, थैंक्स ए लॉट (ठिक हैँ बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया)

Chat User - Mira's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Collecting from office

Hi Rishabh

हाय रिषभ (हाय रिषभ )

Chat User - Rishabh's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Collecting from office

Yes Mira

येस मीरा (हाँ मीरा )

Chat User - Mira's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Collecting from office

Your visiting cards are ready, you can collect them from my office

योर विजिटिंग कार्ड्स आर रेडी, यू कैन कलेक्ट देम फ्रॉम माय ऑफिस (आपके विज़िटिंग कार्ड तैयार हैं, आप उन्हें मेरे ऑफिस से लेले )

Chat User - Rishabh's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Collecting from office

Okay thanks a lot Mira

ओके थैंक्स ए लोट मीरा (ठीक है बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया मीरा)

Chat User - Mira's image in Conversation - Getting cards printed - Collecting from office

You are welcome

यू आर वेलकम (आपका स्वागत है)


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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.