English Class 11
Snapshot - Chapters (Literature)

Read the extract and answer the following questions.


I kicked into the muscles of the horse. Once again it reared and snorted. Then it began to run. I didn’t know what to do. Instead of running across the field to the irrigation ditch the horse ran down the road to the vineyard of Dikran Halabian where it began to leap over vines. The horse leaped over seven vines before I fell. Then it continued running. My cousin Mourad came running down the road. I’m not worried about you, he shouted. We’ve got to get that horse. You go this way and I’ll go this way. If you come upon him, be kindly. I’ll be near

(The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse )

The Summer of the beautiful white horse - extract based questions (5) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

List any two sensory details present in this extract.


Answer as written by the student:

Two sensory details present in this extract are "it reared and snorted" and "it began to leap over vines".

 Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •     Sensory details are words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
  •    To find sensory details in a text, we can look for words that describe how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels.
  •    In this extract, one sensory detail is "it reared and snorted", which describes how the horse reacted to the narrator's kick by raising its front legs and making a loud noise. This appeals to the sense of sound and movement.
  •    Another sensory detail is "it began to leap over vines", which describes how the horse ran and jumped over the plants in the vineyard. This appeals to the sense of sight and movement.

Question (ii)

 Complete the sentence appropriately.

The phrase "I didn’t know what to do" suggests that ____________.


Answer as written by the student:

The phrase "I didn’t know what to do" suggests that the narrator was scared and confused by the horse's behaviour.

 Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    To complete a sentence with an appropriate word or phrase, we need to understand the meaning and context of the sentence.
  •    In this case, the sentence is about the narrator's reaction to the horse running and leaping over vines after he kicked it.
  •     The phrase "I didn’t know what to do" means that he had no idea how to control or stop the horse or how to handle the situation.
  •    Therefore, we need to fill in the blank with something that describes how he felt or thought at that moment.
  •    Based on the extract, we can infer that he felt scared and confused by the horse's behaviour, because he was not expecting it to run away from him or jump over vines.
  • So, we can complete the sentence with "the narrator was scared and confused by the horse's behaviour".

Question (iii)

Explain any one possible inference that can be drawn from the line "We’ve got to get that horse".


Answer as written by the student:

One possible inference that can be drawn from this line is that the cousin was worried and anxious about losing the horse or getting caught with it.

 Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    An inference is a logical conclusion based on evidence and reasoning from a text.
  •    To explain an inference, we need to provide both the evidence from the text and our reasoning behind it.
  •    In this case, the line "We’ve got to get that horse" is a statement made by the cousin after the narrator fell off the horse and it continued running away from them.
  •    The evidence from this line is that the cousin says that they have to get the horse back, which means that they have to catch it or find it before it escapes or gets into trouble.
  •    Our reasoning behind this inference is that this statement implies that the cousin was worried and anxious about losing the horse or getting caught with it, because he knew that they had stolen it and that they could face serious consequences if they did not return it.
  •  Therefore, we can explain our inference by saying that this line shows that the cousin was worried and anxious about losing the horse or getting caught with it.

Question (iv)

 Identify the line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the narrator and his cousin cared about the horse's feelings.


Answer as written by the student:

The line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the narrator and his cousin cared about the horse's feelings is "If you come upon him, be kindly".

 Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    To identify a line from the text that supports a fact, we need to look for words or phrases that show or imply the fact.
  •    In this case, the fact is that the narrator and his cousin were considerate and respectful of the horse's emotions and needs.
  •    The line that shows this fact is "If you come upon him, be kindly".
  •    This line implies that the cousin advised the narrator to treat the horse gently and politely if he found it, and not to scare or hurt it.
  •    Therefore, we can identify this line as the evidence for the fact.

Question (v)

 What does the term 'Vazire' indicate about the horse?


Answer as written by the student:

The term 'Vazire' indicates that the horse had a name and a personality.

 Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •   To explain what a term indicates about something, we need to define the term and relate it to the context of the text.
  •    In this case, the term is 'Vazire', which is the name of the horse that the cousin had stolen and was riding with the narrator.
  •    The term is used to address or call the horse in this extract, which suggests that the horse had a name and a personality.
  •    This could mean that the horse was not just an animal or a thing, but rather a character or a friend, who had a unique identity and traits.
  •    Therefore, we can explain what the term indicates by saying that it shows that the horse had a name and a personality.

Question (vi)

 Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?

  1. A Boy's Fearful Experience of Riding a Wild Horse
  2. A Boy's Misfortune of Falling Off a Stolen Horse
  3. A Boy's Adventure with His Crazy Cousin
  4. A Boy's Attempt to Control a Runaway Horse


Answer as written by the student:

The best headline that suggests the central idea of the extract is D. A Boy's Attempt to Control a Runaway Horse.

Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    To choose the best headline for an extract, we need to consider which one captures the main theme or message of the text.
  •    In this case, the extract is about a boy who tries to ride a horse alone, but fails to control it and falls off as it runs and jumps over vines.
  •    The central idea of this extract is how the boy faces a challenge and a risk while riding a stolen horse, and how he deals with the consequences of his actions.
  •    The headline that best reflects this idea is D. A Boy's Attempt to Control a Runaway Horse, because it summarizes the main problem and outcome in the extract.
  •   The other headlines are either too specific (B), too general (A), or too irrelevant (C) to convey the central idea of the extract.
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo