English Class 11
Snapshot - Chapters (Literature)

Read the extract and answer the following questions.


That year we lived at the edge of town, on Walnut Avenue. Behind our house was the country: vineyards, orchards, irrigation ditches, and country roads. In less than three minutes we were on Olive Avenue, and then the horse began to trot. The air was new and lovely to breathe. The feel of the horse running was wonderful. My cousin Mourad who was considered one of the craziest members of our family began to sing. I mean, he began to roar. 

(The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse )

The Summer of the beautiful white horse - extract based questions (3) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

List any two sensory details present in this extract.


Answer as written by the student:

Two sensory details present in this extract are "the air was new and lovely to breathe" and "the feel of the horse running was wonderful".

 Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •   Sensory details are words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.
  •  To find sensory details in a text, we can look for words that describe how something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels.
  • In this extract, one sensory detail is "the air was new and lovely to breathe", which describes how the narrator experiences the fresh and pleasant smell of the country air. This appeals to the sense of smell.
  •   Another sensory detail is "the feel of the horse running was wonderful", which describes how the narrator enjoys the sensation of riding a fast and powerful animal. This appeals to the sense of touch and movement.

Question (ii)

 Complete the sentence appropriately.

The phrase "he began to roar" suggests that ____________.


Answer as written by the student:

The phrase "he began to roar" suggests that he sang very loudly and boldly.

 Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •   To complete a sentence with an appropriate word or phrase, we need to understand the meaning and context of the sentence.
  •   In this case, the sentence is about the cousin's singing while riding a horse in the country.
  •   The phrase "he began to roar" means that he made a loud and deep sound like a lion or a bear.
  •    Therefore, we need to fill in the blank with something that describes how he sang using this sound.
  •    Based on the extract, we can infer that he sang very loudly and boldly, because he was happy and excited about riding the horse and being in the country.
  •    So, we can complete the sentence with "he sang very loudly and boldly".

Question (iii)

 Explain any one possible inference that can be drawn from the line "My cousin Mourad who was considered one of the craziest members of our family".


Answer as written by the student:

One possible inference that can be drawn from this line is that the narrator's family had many eccentric or adventurous people in it.

Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    An inference is a logical conclusion based on evidence and reasoning from a text.
  •    To explain an inference, we need to provide both the evidence from the text and our reasoning behind it.
  •    In this case, the line "My cousin Mourad who was considered one of the craziest members of our family" is a statement made by the narrator about his cousin's personality and reputation.
  •    The evidence from this line is that the narrator says that his cousin was regarded as one of the craziest members of their family, which means that he did unusual or daring things that others did not expect or approve of.
  •    Our reasoning behind this inference is that this statement implies that there were other crazy members in their family as well, and that their family was known for having eccentric or adventurous people in it.
  • Therefore, we can explain our inference by saying that this line shows that the narrator's family had many eccentric or adventurous people in it.

Question (iv)

Identify the line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the narrator and his cousin lived in a rural area.


Answer as written by the student:

The line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the narrator and his cousin lived in a rural area is "Behind our house was the country: vineyards, orchards, irrigation ditches, and country roads".

Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    To identify a line from the text that supports a fact, we need to look for words or phrases that show or imply the fact.
  •    In this case, the fact is that the narrator and his cousin lived in a rural area, which means an area that is not urban or densely populated, but rather has more natural features and open spaces.
  •    The line that shows this fact is "Behind our house was the country: vineyards, orchards, irrigation ditches, and country roads".
  •    This line implies that the narrator and his cousin lived close to the countryside, where there were farms, fields, crops, and waterways. These are typical features of a rural area.
  •    Therefore, we can identify this line as the evidence for the fact.

Question (v)

 What does the term 'edge of town' indicate about the narrator's family?


Answer as written by the student:

The term 'edge of town' indicates that the narrator's family lived in a place that was neither completely urban nor completely rural, but rather somewhere in between.

Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    To explain what a term indicates about something, we need to define the term and relate it to the context of the text.
  •    In this case, the term is 'edge of town', which means the outermost part of a town or city, where it meets the countryside or another town or city.
  •    The term is used to describe where the narrator's family lived in this extract, which suggests that they lived in a place that had some features of both urban and rural areas.
  •    This could mean that they had a ccess to some amenities and services of a town or city, but also enjoyed some benefits and challenges of living near the country.
  •    Therefore, we can explain what the term indicates by saying that it shows that the narrator's family lived in a place that was neither completely urban nor completely rural, but rather somewhere in between.

Question (vi)

 Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?

  • (a) A Boy's Joyful Ride with His Crazy Cousin
  • (b) A Boy's Discovery of His Cousin's Secret
  • (c) A Boy's Escape from His Boring Town
  • (d) A Boy's Adventure with His Stolen Horse


Answer as written by the student:

The best headline that suggests the central idea of the extract is (a)  A Boy's Joyful Ride with His Crazy Cousin.

Step-by-step explanation: πŸ“

  •    To choose the best headline for an extract, we need to consider which one captures the main theme or message of the text.
  •    In this case, the extract is about a boy who joins his cousin for a ride on a horse in the country, and how he feels happy and excited about it.
  •    The central idea of this extract is how the boy enjoys his time with his cousin and his horse, and how he appreciates the beauty and freshness of nature.
  •    The headline that best reflects this idea is A. A Boy's Joyful Ride with His Crazy Cousin, because it summarizes the main characters and events in the extract.
  •   The other headlines are either too specific (B), too general (C), or too irrelevant (D) to convey the central idea of the extract.
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo