Read the extract and answer the following questions-


She never stuttered with other people — had quite given it up — but only with Father, because then she was trying so hard to say the words properly.“What’s the matter? What are you looking so wretched about? Mother, I wish you taught this child not to appear on the brink of suicide... Here, Kezia, carry my teacup back to the table carefully.” He was so big — his hands and his neck, especially his mouth when he yawned. Thinking about him alone was like thinking about a giant.

(The Little Girl)

The Little Girl-Extract Based Question(2) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What was the problem that the little girl had with her speech?

  • A) She spoke too fast
  • B) She spoke too softly
  • C) She stuttered
  • D) She lisped


Answer as written by the student:

C) She stuttered

Step-by-step explanation:

  •  To answer this question, we need to look at the first sentence of the extract.
  •  The sentence says that she never stuttered with other people — had quite given it up — but only with Father, because then she was trying so hard to say the words properly.
  •  This shows that the little girl had a problem with her speech that made her repeat or prolong some sounds or syllables involuntarily. This problem is called stuttering or stammering.
  •  Therefore, we can infer that the problem that the little girl had with her speech was stuttering.
  •  Hence, the correct option is C .

Question (ii)

 Why did the little girl stutter only with her father? Answer in about 40 words.


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo