Biographies include features of non-fiction texts – factual information and different text structures such as description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, or problem and solution. Examine Indigo in the light of this statement, in about 120-150 words.


  • The story ‘Indigo’ revolves around Gandhi’s struggle for poor peasants of Champaran who were forced to grow indigo. They suffered great injustice due to the landlord system of Birar. 
  • Raj Kumar Shukla – illiterate but determined followed Gandhiji to Lucknow, Cawnpore, Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Patna, Muzzafarpur and then Camparan.
  • Servants at Rajendra Prasad’s residence thought Gandhiji to be an untouchable because of simple living style due to his company of Raj Kumar Shukla.
  • Once the news of Gandhiji’s arrival spread the sharecroppers gathered in large number to meet him
  • He complained to the lawyer for charging a high fee.
  • The champaran district was divided and indians were only allowed to be tenants of the land and not owners and surrender their entire harvest of indigo as rent. 
  • Gandhiji worked hard towards social economic reforms. He taught the villagers the valuable lesson of self reliance by not asking Mr Andrews for help



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Biographies include features of non-fiction texts – factual information and different text structures such as description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, or problem and solution. Examine Indigo in the light of this statement, in about 120-150 words. Answer The story ‘Indigo’ revolves around Gandhi’s struggle for poor peasants of Champaran who were forced to grow indigo. They suffered great injustice due to the landlord system of Birar. Raj Kumar Shukla – illiterate but determined followed Gandhiji to Lucknow, Cawnpore, Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Patna, Muzzafarpur and then Camparan. Servants at Rajendra Prasad’s residence thought Gandhiji to be an untouchable because of simple living style due to his company of Raj Kumar Shukla. Once the news of Gandhiji’s arrival spread the sharecroppers gathered in large number to meet him He complained to the lawyer for charging a high fee. The champaran district was divided and indians were only allowed to be tenants of the land and not owners and surrender their entire harvest of indigo as rent. Gandhiji worked hard towards social economic reforms. He taught the villagers the valuable lesson of self reliance by not asking Mr Andrews for help

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo