As the host of a talk show, introduce Rajkumar Shukla to the audience by  stating any two of his defining qualities.

You may begin your answer like this:

Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He ……


Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He brought Mahatma Gandhi to visit Champaran which later led to the Champaran Satyagraha. He was persistent and determined to prove to Gandhi the plight of the cultibvators in Bihar. He for one was a poor peasant and strived for the recognition and rehabilitation of the indigo cultivators in champaran. He persevered to find a solution to the problem. Let's please welcome him wholeheartedly to the show!



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As the host of a talk show, introduce Rajkumar Shukla to the audience by stating any two of his defining qualities. You may begin your answer like this: Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He …… Answer Meet Rajkumar Shukla, the man who played a pivotal role in the Champaran Movement. He brought Mahatma Gandhi to visit Champaran which later led to the Champaran Satyagraha. He was persistent and determined to prove to Gandhi the plight of the cultibvators in Bihar. He for one was a poor peasant and strived for the recognition and rehabilitation of the indigo cultivators in champaran. He persevered to find a solution to the problem. Let's please welcome him wholeheartedly to the show!

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo