Class 10
Chapter 14 Class 10 - Sources of Energy

A biogas plant is where biogas is produced by fermenting biomass.

Biogas Plant (Unlablled) - Teachoo.jpg


5.1 In which of the parts would you find anaerobic bacteria?

a) A 

b) B 

c) C 

d) D 



Biogas Plant-Techoo-01.jpg

5.1 b) B

B is the digester where the sludge is treated with anaerobic organisms


5.2 Which one of the following is NOT correct for biogas -

a) its carbon neutral 

b) its non-renewable 

c) it depends on micro-organisms 

d) yields rich manure 



5.2 b) its non-renewable 

Biogas is a renewable resource

Outline of biogas power generation and heat supply system-Techoo-01.jpg

5.3 Which of the following best indicates the steps of anaerobic digestion

a) Waste water feed → biogas storage → generator → biogas 

b) Waste water feed → digester → biogas → biogas storage → generator 

c) Generator → waste water feed → digester → biogas → biogas storage 

d) Waste water feed → biogas → digester → biogas storage → generator



5.3 (b) Waste water feed → digester → biogas → biogas storage → generator

Outline of biogas power generation and heat supply system-Techoo-01.jpg

5.4 Biogas is a better fuel than animal dung cake because 

a) Biogas is a renewable source of energy 

b) Animal dung cake has higher calorific value 

c) Biogas has high heating capacity 

d) Biogas burns without smoke. 


i. (a) only 

ii. (b) only

iii. (c) and (d) 

iv. (a) and (b)



5.4 iii. (c) and (d) 

Biogas has high heating capacity and Biogas burns without smoke

The other statements are wrong as:

  1. a) Biogas is a renewable source of energy → Animal dung cake is also a renewable resource
  2. b) Animal dung cake has higher calorific value → High calorific value makes it able to produce more energy than biogas hence it doesn’t justify why biogas is a better fuel


5.5 Biogas is formed in the 

a) presence of air only 

b) presence of water only 

c) presence of air and absence of water

d) presence of water and absence of air



5.5 (d) presence of water and absence of air 

The microorganisms acting on sludge to produce biogas are anaerobic bacteria

Anaerobic bacteria cannot survive in the presence of air

However, water is required


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo