Physical Properties of Metals  are



It means that metal can be beaten into thin sheets



It means that metal can be stretched to form thin wires


Good conductors of Electricity

It means that electricity can pass through the metal


Good conductor of Heat

It means that heat can pass through the metal



Metals produce ringing sound when hit hard, it means they are sonorous



Metals are shiny in nature, this means they are lustrous

What are Malleable and Non Malleable Items

Malleable Items

Those items which can be beaten into thin sheets is called Malleable item


Metals like Iron, Steel, Zinc, Aluminium,Copper,Gold,Silver


Metals like Sodium and Potassium are soft and can be cut with a knife

Non Malleable Items

Those items which cannot be beaten into thin sheets are called Non Malleable item

The property of non metals that they break on beating is known as Brittleness


Non Metals like Coal, Diamond,Lead,Sulphur,Phosphorus

Note- Diamond is the hardest non metal



What are Ductile and Non Ductile Items

Ductile Items

Those items which can be formed into thin wires are ductile items


Metals like Iron,Gold,Silver,,Zinc and Copper are ductile,except mercury which is in liquid form

Non Ductile Items

Items which cannot be formed into thin wires are known as Non Ductile items


Non Metals like Hydrogen and Oxygen


What are Good and Bad conductors of electricity

Good Conductors

Those item which easily allow electricity to pass through them


Metals like Copper are used to make wires

Bad Conductors

Those item which do not allow the electricity to pass through them


Non Metals like Wood and Plastic are used to make handles of utensils because

They are bad conductors of heat and do not allow heat to pass through them

So,they are used to make handles of screw drivers


Non Metals are normally bad conductor of electricity


Graphite is a non-metal but it is a good conductor of electricity.


What are Good and Bad conductors of Heat

Good conductors of heat

Those item which allow heat to pass through them


Metals like Gold and Silver

Bad conductors of heat

Those item which do not allow heat to pass through them


Non Metals like Wood and Plastic are used to make handles of utensils because they are bad conductors of electricity and do not allow heat to pass through them



What are Sonorous and Non Sonorous Items

Sonorous Items

Items which produce a ringing sound when hit with a hard object


We use Iron bells in bicycles because Iron is Sonorous

Non Sonorous Items

Items which do not produce a ringing sound when hit with a hard object


Non metals like Iodine and Carbon do not produce a ringing sound

How to find whether a particular object is a metal or non metal

We can find whether a particular object is metal or a non metal by striking it with a hammer

If it is a metal it will produce a ringing sound

If it is a non metal,it will not produce a ringing sound.

What are Lustrous and Non Lustrous Items

Lustrous Items

Items which are shiny are lustrous objects


Metals like Gold and Silver




Non Lustrous Items

Items which are not shiny are non lustrous objects

Example:- Non Metals like Sulphur and Phosphorous


Examples of Metals And Non-Metals in Solid, Liquid and Gaseous form:-


Solid : Aluminium, Iron.

Liquid: Mercury, Zinc

Gas: There is no metal which exists in gaseous form.


Non- Metals

Solid: Sulphur and iodine.

Liquid: Bromine, Phosphorus.

Gas: Oxygen, Helium.



NCERT Question 1 - Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheets?

(a) Zinc

(b) Phosphorus

(c) Sulphur

(d) Oxygen

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NCERT Question 2 - Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) All metals are ductile.

(b) All non-metals are ductile.

(c) Generally, metals are ductile.

(d) Some non-metals are ductile.

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NCERT Question 3 (b) - Fill in the blanks :

Metals are…………….. conductors of heat and………………….. .

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NCERT Question 4 (d) - Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false.

Coal can be drawn into wires.

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NCERT Question 5 - Some properties are listed in the following Table. Distinguish between metals and nonmetals on the basis of these properties.




1. Appearance


2. Hardness


3. Malleability


4. Ductility


5. Heat Conduction


6. Conduction of Electricity


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NCERT Question 6 - Give reasons for the following :

(a) Aluminium foils are used to wrap food items.

(b) Immersion rods for heating liquids are made up of metallic substances.

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NCERT Question 8 - In the following Table some substances are given in Column I. In Column II some uses are given. Match the items in column I with

those in Column II


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo