Law of Service Tax

Like Income Tax has Income Tax Act,

Excise has Central Excise Act

There is no special act of Service tax like Service Tax Act

It was introduced in Budget in 1994 (and Budget is called Finance Act)

and changes made to it every year 


Same Law  is continuing till date

hence Law of Service tax is

Finance Act,1994 as amended till date



Service Tax even does not have a separate department like Service Tax Department

It is handled by Excise Department of Central Governent



There are 2 important websites  (For Online Registration,Challan and Return)

and  (For Different notifications and circulars)

 and Officers handling it are called Central Excise Officers (and not Service tax offficers)


Where is Service Tax Office situated

Service tax offices are in different cities

In large cities,there are more than one offices also

To know exact location,click


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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.