Adding Large Numbers
Add 254398 and 146851
So, total is 4, 01, 249
Addition of large numbers
Last updated at April 16, 2024 by Teachoo
Add 254398 and 146851
So, total is 4, 01, 249
Adding Large Numbers Suppose we want to add 254398 and 146851 We follow these steps 1. We write the numbers on top of each other (one digit below the other) 2. We start from the right, go towards the left 3. First we add 8 & 1, we get 9. We write 9 below 8 and 1 4. Then we add 9 & 5, we get 14. We write last digit 4 below 9 and 5. and the remaining 1 on top of next digit 3 5. Now, we will add 1, 3 and 8. We get 12. We write last digit 2 below 3 and 8. And write 1 on top of next digit 4. 6. We repeat the same steps to find the answer So, total is 4, 01, 249